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RE: What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

in #politics7 years ago

I think it's also important to note that the Swiss citizens all keep their guns upon leaving the army so most of the male population and some of the women too are default reserves in the event of invasion. And Switzerland is neutral, so they are not a part of NATO and the only war they would fight is a defensive one. You could say the same for Australia, but I believe y'all still commit troops to the campaigns of your allies, well in WW2 at least. Which country would be able to wage a better defensive war with the high amounts of firearms in the possesion of Swiss private citizens, though the crime rates are still quite low there, versus the much more restrictive gun laws Aussies live under? Also you'd have people much more spread out with more territory to defend, so it may be more difficult to mobilize troops. Interested to hear your thoughts on the matter. Cheers from America!


Yes, the Swiss "Reservist" program is put together extremely well. After 2007 the reservists keep only their weapon at home (no ammo).

Switzerland is "Neutral" however they are a member of NATO's "Partnership For Peace", which is considered to be a stepping stone to becoming a fully pledged NATO member. Maybe Switzerland shall not take that extra step, who knows. So its neutrality is actually "understood" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Australia has many agreements with NATO, Australia is a member of ANZUS and The South East Asia Treaty Organization. The equivalents to NATO for our geographical location.

Australia has been a respected fully pledged partner in a lot of wars since WWII, from Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq..... and we are not talking just a few war ships as I have heard some people throw around on various internet forums etc. In actual fact, I just consider those types of people to be "numbnuts" not worth the time or the effort, so I just ignore them, don't forget them, just ignore them.

Australia has the logistics already set up. Sure it could take a reorganization of things, but we do have the resources to ensure that our "civilians" can be qualified to protect themselves against any enemy, if heaven forbid the situation were to arise.

Lets not forget, Australia is like somewhere in the top 20 (think its like 22) of world forces. EVERY Aussie soldier has to know what three other (not to name the country) soldiers know, because we lack the numbers, so we make up for it in knowhow and adaptability when needing to overcome situations.

All in all, the times have changed, technology has changed, the potential threats out there have changed.

Australia, although surrounded by ocean water is no longer "inaccessible".
Logistics supply routes and the technology to ensure them are now more than ever before possible.

Hence, things have changed, reality is not what it was three or four decades ago.

Australia is an independent country, although we know that we can rely upon our partners in New Zealand and The USA, it is my opinion that we need to adapt to the new world that we live in, give a little more of ourselves and ensure that NO BODY out there EVER wants to mess with us.


All good points. I learned a lot tonight. I agree we need to be vigilant against ideologies that are antithetical to Western civilization today more than ever. However, I am usually against preemptive war like the most recent Iraq conflict which I think made the region more ripe for extremism. And I agree that while the Swiss maintain their neutral policy, they would have to side with the West since Islamic or communist domination probably wouldn't allow countries like Switzerland, Australia, or the USA to exist. It'll be imporant for us to stick together in the near future.

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