1000 days without government.

in #politics5 years ago

The Assembly collapsed in January 2017 when the late Martin McGuinness resigned as Sinn Fein Deputy First Minister as the cash-for-ash scandal enveloped Stormont. The Government has refused to introduce direct rule due to opposition from Dublin and nationalist parties.

The cohesion of the government broke apart after a scandalous waste of money came to light, from a department that was formerly headed by the then First Minister, who refused to accept blame or stand down during an investigation. This created a standoff that has lasted almost three years.

Thanks to an effective civil service, the autonomic functions of government tick along – garbage gets collected, police catch criminals. But nothing advances. No policy is debated, no decisions are made, no macro problems get fixed.

The lights are on, but nobody's home.

How fortuitous that people are living in a time of particular political stability and certainty...

There are some strong factors as to why the cohesion of this government has broken apart. The situation also illustrates how extreme stubbornness and polarisation makes it impossible to find a compromise, or act in good faith.

This is a symptom of a global phenomenon. Politics is becoming increasingly bitter and spiteful, as folks polarise into more concentrated factions. People increasingly are losing faith in the democratic process.

It is becoming clear to me that top-down governance is no longer sufficient to govern a modern society. We live in a peer-to-peer society today, and yet our governance runs on a completely different model. The tools and institutions that enabled the 20th century are not sufficient for us to survive and prosper in the 21st.

We must work to build bottom-up and peer-to-peer policy generation and decision solutions that

– Better respond to local needs and specifics.
– Enable real-time decision making.
– Are about individual people and their ideas, not factions and immovable ideologues.
– Empower honest people to lead their communities, wherever they may happen to be.
– Save us from being mired in the mud of political bad faith.


20th Century government was designed in the 18th Century. We don't need it, and it hurts us every day. I note if you rely on a job for the necessary means to purchase goods and services, about half of the work you do is slavery for government, because about half your income goes to taxes and government mandated fees.

Once we needed representatives to act for us in meetings that made decisions on our behalf. Steem reveals we do not need representatives for this purpose anymore.

It's time to represent ourselves, to make our own goods and services instead of working a job to earn money to buy goods and services from centralized industry. 3D printing exists. The entire system of global banking and government is revealed to be nothing more than organized crime. Quit paying them protection money for teaching your sons to menstruate in Kindergarten, and your daughters to do fitness exercises on stripper poles.

Not only can we do better, we can't do worse, if we but spend a little time and effort to prepare for the transition. Word is that the world economic system is gonna collapse. Prepare for that. Prepare your kids for that. Grow and stash non-perishable food so that when the power goes off you and yours don't starve.

Life is worth living. Don't die because you're dependent on conveniences. Live because you make your own necessities.

So, what's your opinion on Independence Checks?

Please define what you mean by Independence Check.

here is some description of it:



I'll try to find a better one, the one with the schedule of payments. In some texts they also call them Congressional Check and it has something to do with
Fiscally Transparent Entities and section 199A of the Tax Code.

From the text:
"Thanks to a New Republican Law, Hundreds of Private Sector Institutions Known as “Fiscally Transparent Entities” are Set to Pay Amounts ranging
from $939, $6,235 and even $21,538 in Extra Income… this Month and
Every Month after That."
"Section 199A of the Tax Code"

I don't know if the text with the schedule of payments shows up

As I'm not American this is just feeding my curiosity. It sounds too good to be true or maybe showing just one side of the story, but as I've gone through some state-wide privatization process, I'm used to state's once-in-a-lifetime ludicrous giveaway events. All I had to do then was to take it seriously, study it, do what required, wait and reap the benefits.

Well, I note the language of the first link you provide resembles language used by con artists everywhere. Same with the third link, only more so.


This appears to be the actual code under discussion. It doesn't apply to me, because I'm not a business owner with qualified income, so I didn't bother reading it all.

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