Farmlands a Documentary film by Lauren Southern ! A Tale of White Genocide in the Making !

in #politics6 years ago

White Genocide is already happening in South Africa and its a precursor to what will happen in Europe if Whites allow themselves to become the minority in their own lands ! Lauren Southern,s extremely hardhitting and troubling documentary meets up with whites on farms that have been living insane stories of brutaility ! Murder, rape and hideous mutilations are now a daily occurence ! She meets up with the Black community leaders and political leaders that are pushing ands condoning this insanity ! Where Black people have turned on the very people that produce the food which they ineed too need on their table !

What future for South Africa if left to this as ever insane and immoral agenda of a sort of Left wing/Communist style tyranny is left to kill and remove whites from their lands ! This is a very important documentary and needs to be seen by all here in the West as its a certain hardcore warning to us here who see too our lands being invaded by people of colour that do not seem to like us or have good wishes towards the very people that have leant them the hand of support in their time of need !!

FARMLANDS (2018) Official Documentary

Lauren Southern
Published on 25 Jun 2018
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Be wary of zio-shills and where they try to steer your focus.

What do you mean by this |@venomnymous, what so she is like Tommy Robinson a Zionist shill working for the deep state ?? So how does making a very good documentary on the White Genocide being carried out favour the agenda of the Zionists ! Sorry I dont buy it and those videos are really just meaningless and I dont see why you post them like that with little more than a cryptic message which i am supposed to understand ! Really not nice and I dont see what what you are getting out of coming on to my post to troll me with this shit, makles no sense to me ! If you think she is a Zionist troll then tell me why, but these two videos frankly prove nothing to me and just undermine any discussion which could have happened here with people who come to mmy post but which may leave seeing your comments !!

There's nothing cryptic or meaningless about the videos I'm sharing to you. They are collections of evidence against her. I'm not trolling you either. I'm warning you about a Zionist shill Lauren (Simonen) Southern. Zionist shills can and do put out a portions of truth. But they will never tell you that critical information, like who's behind the agendas. They use terms like 'deep state' which is really just a euphemism for Zionism/Israeli lobby. It's because She's controlled opposition dude, just like tommy and Alex and Paul Watson and many many others.

How is a video about white genocide in Africa apart of their agenda? lol seriously? Stoking the racial divide for one thing. That's what Zionists do all the time. Push divide and conquer. They are pushing civil war in the us right now. All our favorite zio shills have at least one video pushing civil war on YouTubd. just look it up!

Fuck it, watch this video. Jeff talks all about it

So it would seem that you think that behind every blade of grass there is a zionist shill working to bring us down ! I underatand this feeling and maybe in many ways its true, as I think we will see once the Q inditements get unsealed and these fckers of the world become finally visible to all and get served what they deserve ! I think the main reason that mnay of the talking heads of the " Truth" movement never make a connection or statement to the fact that its Israel and the politicalised Zionist movement there that is the controlling center for all this insanity we are seeing around the world ! This I explain at least to myself by the fact that since the HOLAHOAX ,to mention Israel and have any visible agenda to talk bad or harm this " people who suffered the gasing under the Nazis" makes you inturn a Nazi yourself and open to a huge and concerted attack from, all sides ! So making your postiion untenable and even a dangerous one ! Everybody in this world today is so afraid of being branded as a person who is Anti- Semtic as to be this makes you a kin to a Nazi ! So instead as you so rightly say we hear constantly the buzzword " Deepstate" which yes is just another way of expressing but safely this darkest of connections to the politcal ruling elties of the world !! Anyway I am confident that soon we will have more light being shed on this " deepstate" and possibly the stigma which i mention concerning the critisism of Israel will be lifted and we might see a serious reigning in of these " double nationality" operatives in media and politcal parties ! Lets see @venomymous ! Lets see ))

Every blade of grass? No, just every major institution in the US, Canada and various countries around the world. I'm talking all the major banks, governing bodies, mainstream media and alternative media, Hollywood, the PORN industry, etc.

'Deep state' ambiguous term used to detract from the real puppeteers pulling the strings. Controlled opposition, the Alex joneses, Lauren southerns and etc are not using deep state to cover their asses with Israel, they work for Israel. You don't expose your master. They are already called nazi's because they are on the right. They are still tenable because they are doing my their job, that's why Alex trends on Jootube. This isn't them hiding behind a euphemism, No. In fact they go out of your way to defend and conflate Zionism with Judaism and call antisemitism on others who question who's behind these agendas.

I'm not going to comment of Qanon. (I don't want to go off topic) but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you @gomeravibz

Oh Lord if what you say is true then we are both dead men walking when this system which these fckers of our brains are working for, comes into place ! Quite possibly next year when they shut down the net with the ART 13 law which will then be in turn follwed by the 5G total control electrical prison ! If thats the case well thats it over totally, I see no way for mankind to effectively escape from this insane level of deception and planning ! I have just seen a pretty hardocre english video on this very subject, saying that the free tommy thing is controlled oppostion !! ( i know they arer everywhere and i have made posts on the Pharonic KnightTemplars and their creation of Switzerland in 1291, their connection to the Greater Israel plan and takeover of the World by the Zionists !
i mean watch this for instance, this guy Collet I do like, he did a great job on this one !

do you know this one ? i always thought he was a bit odd! its an actor, i see it know ! look at the thumbnail he used for the video, its the " so called" raped dog! i looked up this by taking the srticle title shown at the very beginning of this guys " rant" i am sure its fake the photo, then i get all the talking heads of truth and i do mean all, like coordinted really !!! hmmmm dude its real bad, we better hope Qis not part of this or we gonna get FEMAED!!! .... then i got it, big like a train, the rape cilture being pushed on us in media is real to be then fueled with this lowering of the bar and everythinmg is possible and can happen !! dude its all about the children (((( always is..its what connects islam with the frankist sabbatean zionist jews!! the love of sacrafice and young children ! to Hell with All this Zionististic Shit my Friend, OR ILL SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE ! ))

I'm unfamiliar with the YouTuber but I have seen the original article on the raped dog. And when I did I broke out laughing. It's all fake, propaganda to push the right further right.

Yes, the 'anything goes' agenda has been in the works for decades. They are fucking with our children big time and it's working.

Another reason they are normalizing things like pedophilia and incest and beastiality, is to minimalize culture clashes over the long term. When laws are changed to suit the new majority of migrants from overseas.

yeah on that we clearly agree then @venomymous ! its prety sickening to see where this is clealry going to end up !

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