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RE: Unpopular Opinion: I like Angela Merkel

in #politics8 years ago

Yes, I understand this. Interestingly enough Trump is doing things a lot of people want done as well. Yet, none of those people control the media.

I'm not saying that as a fan of Trump. Yet, I don't see him as bad as the media is trying to make him out to be. He is another case of better than X.

I don't really care if a politician says really flowery/pretty/nice sounding things with great charisma, if their actions are evil corrupt, etc.

Obama was great at speaking. His law background shined through. He also played upon the short term memory issues with most of our population when it comes to politics. I voted for him in 2008. He was saying a lot of things I agreed with, and Ron Paul was out so I chose to vote for Obama. Yet once he was in office he strengthened things he was saying were bad when he was campaigning, and the things I voted for him for he did the exact opposite.

Words are meaningless if they are not backed by actions.

So all the people freaking out over Trump because of WORDS. I don't care about the words so much from politicians anymore.

I care about actions.

I despised Hillary not due to words, but due to actions.

I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump, but if I were forced I would vote for Trump over Hillary any day.

I unlike many was not a fan of Bernie Sanders either. Promising a lot of free shit tends to get people to like you. The problem is there is no FREE when it comes to the government. The government produces nothing but rules, waste, and wars. Anything a politician promises for FREE will be paid for in some way by the people. I also didn't like a lot of his National Socialist speeches as it was clear he didn't know very much about history. He also made claims about other countries to back his stories that clearly showed he knew very little about what those countries actually did.

So words are not what I look for. I study actions.


"I don't really care if a politician says really flowery/pretty/nice sounding things with great charisma, if their actions are evil corrupt, etc."

saying that you should actually really like her. Sry, for another plug but I did some subtitles for an interview and a speech.

For me it isn't about that. You mentioned how if she did certain things they would impeach her.

While you are likely right, I also don't think people standing up for the right things should be impeached. The fact that they can be is a problem.

I also do not consider people a good choice if that is the reason they still do wrong.

but do you believe in changing things from the inside?

I told you about that on my post I wrote at your request about my time in the GOP. That was us attempting on doing exactly that.

In some cases it can work. In some systems it becomes so corrupt and they close all doors adversaries could attempt to use, and at that point fighting from within doesn't really work.

That is how the two big parties in the U.S. are starting to be.

I am increasingly thinking the world is headed for some really dark times. I don't know what FORM those will come in, but I think we may need to focus on survival of ourselves, and our loved ones. If we focus on someone (even if it is generations from now) coming out into the light then that may be the best we can do.

That does not mean I will not keep fighting. I just don't see an obvious opening yet. An uncensored place like steemit, and uncensored blockchain governance have some possibilities, but I don't think the public is quite ready for that. Many of us are. I do not think the masses understand critical thinking and reason well enough to push responsibility onto them. Those type of people still outnumber the people like us.

"I told you about that on my post I wrote at your request about my time in the GOP. That was us attempting on doing exactly that."

I felt your pain, but my curiosity was stronger, I am sorry, truly

glad to hear, that you are at least not giving up on reforming from within.

The only solution I see right now is to destroy the whole damn way we do government and build it new according to the technology of 2017. In example 100% transparency

But I respect someone who tries to change things from within, like Merkel :P

But I respect someone who tries to change things from within, like Merkel :P

The risk of this also especially when you GIVE IN to certain things that is over time if you GIVE IN enough you don't actually change the system. The system changes you.

The only solution I see right now is to destroy the whole damn way we do government and build it new according to the technology of 2017. In example 100% transparency

I describe myself in my profile as an Anarcho-Capitalist. There are a number of us here. In fact the steem blockchain and steemit concept were built by two of them. We used to write a lot of posts on the topic here, and they likely will occur again.

We are talking about the classic meaning of the word "anarchy" which simply means NO RULERS.

I've written articles about the difference between a LEADER and a RULER. A leader is someone you can choose to follow or not follow. It can also be short term and they kind of occur naturally. They cannot force you to do anything. A RULER is someone who can make rules up for other people and FORCE them upon us.

I don't believe I have the right to tell you or anyone else how to live your life. I also believe you and any number of people have a right to tell me how to live mine.

The exception is if someone, or their property are being harmed by the actions of another.

The Capitalism side is not the negative connotation Capitalism. It is simply free market with NO government really existing.

Everyone would do things via voluntary contracts, and yes we could use technology to make that happen which is where Ethereum and the soon to be realized EOS come into play.

You and I could agree to contracts on ANYTHING we agree to but they could ONLY impact those of us involved in and agreeing to the contract. We could not force other people into a contract against their will.

We also believe in the Non-Aggression Principle. We will not attack others. We will DEFEND ourselves and perhaps others, but we will not attack.

That is where I would like to see the WORLD GOING TOWARDS. I do not think it is ready for that quite yet. It can't happen over night, as most of the population has no sense of self-responsibility thus why they keep pushing the responsibility onto government. For a society to work we each need to be responsible for our choices and the consequences of our choices.

There is a lot that would need to happen before the world could be that way, and I do not necessarily think it could happen during my lifetime. Yet, it is ultimately where I would like to see things go.

No Government, just voluntary contracts.

I am very arrogant towards anarchism in general. I respect you very much, though. So I will have a deeper look into Anarcho-Capitalism, before I debate out of my ***.

Oh and I have another piece ready to post, only have to add the pictures, it's a lot more optimistic "Steemit is like an episode of the Simpsons"

And keep in mind I did say I don't think Anarcho-Capitalism would work today if we suddenly switched to it. I believe it would fail miserably.

I believe it is a great idea and it is one that hasn't been tried on a large scale. Yet I also believe we as people need to change a lot and get some new tech before it would be realistic to attempt it.

"The risk of this also especially when you GIVE IN to certain things that is over time if you GIVE IN enough you don't actually change the system. The system changes you."

Merkel polished the christian democrats.Before her they were pretty similiar to your republican pro-lifers. Anti gay marriage, pro nuclear energy, hard on drugs all the good stuff.
She got rid or got softer on a lot of those things.

There is also a huge difference in power over the government. The American President has much more possibilities than the German Chancellor.

Patriot Act = Ermächtigungsgesetz

Yep. Many(EDIT: I'm chaning this to SOME OF US) of us saw that when it was coming out. Like I said I've been interested in Germany for a long time. I first became interested when I was 6 years old, and then it was me just playing war games with toys that I made rules for. It only grew from there.

So yes I am aware of the rise of the National Socialist Workers party, the Reichstag fire, fall of the Weimar Republic, etc.

I see a lot of similar things happening in my country, and OTHER countries as well. It is becoming a global problem.

I watched Leni Riefenstahl: Fest der Völker it was so good, but so propaganda... The Nazis did some awesome stuff actually and many people (especially foreigners no offense) thin that all Germans were doing was killing Jews all day. Most of the people were unaware of what was happening to them.

The Nazis managed to get to 0% unemployment by pushing the weapon industry. Why cant your government do the same even tho they spent so much on military?

But I agree, that actual nazis are undermining people like me. I make jokes like above, but there are people who take it a few steps further.
Those nazis can live among us, because we dont exclude them... I like that. I dont want to exclude them. I want to convince them. As you would say, they are disabling theirselves by being a label not a thinker. ;)

Right now if you watch the Antifa movement (which has now spread to Europe as well) they call for the end of Fascism and call opponents Nazis.

Yet if they actually knew their history they may realize that they are the ones acting like fascists and using similar techniques to say the Brown Shirts.

"Right now if you watch the Antifa movement (which has now spread to Europe as well) they call for the end of Fascism and call opponents Nazis."

Wow, I still get to be an arrogant jerkface >:). The antifa is deeply rooted in Europe. We have had them for ages.

Im honestly quite shocked you don't know. It has been the militant arm of the left. I mean at least from prison (A. Brotherhood) you should have some militants right wingers. Now you got left wingers as well. It's no big deal, let the cops beat the shit out of them. They do that every 1st May in Germany Hamburg, burning cars, fireworks. A friend of mine wanted to just watch the spectacle ones and got a huge bruise from a cop stick xD. We actually take that quite sportlich ([lit.]sporty, leisure) in Germany.

I am also not talking about true Anti-Fascism. Yes, that has been around a very long time.

The movement we have clearly has not clue what fascism is, and how it came to power in the past, because they use the exact same techniques and act the same. Brutal intolerance.

Also the cops have been ignoring them while they've been attacking bystanders, burning shit, and turning protests into violent protests here.

They are a fairly recent thing in the U.S. since this last election cycle. I mentioned I'd been seeing them active in Europe recently and it was another European that told me that had only recently come over there.

Do they act the same as the antifa we have in the U.S.?

If so, man I am sorry for you guys.

especially foreigners no offense

None taken. I am one of those that know Hitler did quite a few good things as well. I also know some of his decisions he was forced into doing by the actions of the people that have since written the history.

That doesn't mean Hitler was not also bad. He definitely was.

Yet, most people have no clue about the good he did, and how he was forced into some of the acts that they call him a villain for.

I had never any respect for Bernie, because he endorsed a criminal to become president of the united states. The same criminal that rigged an election against him.

I saw some Obamas first run campaign speeches lately. It was frightening. He actually sounded almost as revolutionary as Paul did (and still does ;) ). Considering he only made things worst, i wanted to start a list but its so much he promised and didnt do.
I actually think that there should be law. As a private person you can lie all you want, sure. But the fact that a leader of a country can just say anything he wants. I remember false information, that lead to the Iraq war. I know 'me, always with the violence', but I want people who do stuff like that to die. It is treason in the strongest possible way. Treason against the people.

Oh and most of Merkels opposition, namely the SPD, is constantly ranting about what an evil monster Trump is and that Merkel should have had stronger words towards Trump.
Merkels speech on Trumps presidency was very tame compared to others. You can check them on my channel ;) (with subs).

I had never any respect for Bernie, because he endorsed criminal to become president of the united states. The same criminal that rigged an election against him.

Well yes, that was the final straw.

I didn't particularly like him for the reasons I stated before that came to light.

I like what he says but he has no balls. He could have used all that anger inside the country to overthrow the establishment of the DNC during the election, but he did not. I do not understand how anybody can still believe in him. HIS PEOPLE KNOW HOW CORRUPT THE ESTABLISHMENT IS. Btw I heared Hillary runs 2020, I hope for us all that someone will stop her.

jesus, im angry now! :D

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