Jeff Sessions Regressionary Attack on Marijuana. Make America Great Again? Prison Industrial Complex.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I find Attorney General Jeff Sessions to be perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the Trump administration. He really doesn't seem to do much. Though he does seem fixated on his war against Marijuana.

I would like to state at the outset that my parents were hippies. I was raised around Marijuana whether it was legal or illegal. I am 47 years old and my brief experimentation with marijuana, alcohol, etc all occurred when I was 16. I am a control freak of my own mind and it really wasn't for me. I also found I could train myself to psych myself up the right way and get essentially the same effect without requiring a substance. This appealed more to me than artificial means of altering my brain or body chemistry. Since that time I have pretty much only used caffeine, and vitamins. Within the past few weeks I've been on a high blood pressure medication, but other than that I have been surprisingly drug free. I have not been a tobacco user either.

Yet I believe we should legalize ALL drugs. I don't believe making things illegal actually stops their usage. Studying history I cannot find a case where making these things illegal is effective in any way. In fact, in the long run it seems to make the problem far worse. Why? It creates a very lucrative black market. People hear of the wealth made selling illegal things and they often get into it for the "easy" but dangerous money. Yet, it isn't just the ordinary people.

Many of our most powerful political families made their wealth during alcohol prohibition by running alcohol. That's right they were bootleggers. So, once that was legalized (at least if you are 21 years old or older - another example of how it doesn't work) a lot of their lucrative black market cash cow dried up.

What can they do to restore this massively profitable income?

Perhaps they could make things illegal, and get in on the new black markets created by those laws.

Enter the "War on Drugs" which seems a complete failure IF the actual goal was to do what the public was told.

It is a complete success if the goal was to create a black market revenue stream.

It seems if you look close enough as though the black market revenue stream was the actual goal of the politicians. We've had a lot of leakers showing how the CIA, the DEA, and the ATF all have been involved in the illegal markets that they interact with.

This also produces a black budget. It produces a source of income that can be used "off the books", or "under the tables" by these agencies and their patrons without requiring any knowledge from congress, without any oversight, etc.

Here is a current example for you. We hear in the news these days a lot about the opiod crisis as we have more opiod problems around the nation than ever before. I find it interesting that this all occurred after we invaded Afghanistan. Why? It is the place where the bulk of the world's poppy fields are at. What are poppies? They happen to be the main component required to manufacture opiods. Heroine, Opium, Morphine, etc.

So if we had a TRUE war on drugs once we took over there we should have seen a dramatic reduction in opiods in the world. What we saw instead was record opiod production. We even had our troops defending those fields.

I believe the War on Drugs is highly successful from the politician point of view. That is because their goal does not appear to be to actually stop drugs. It is to create black markets for them. I would say the War on Terror hasn't been successful either with the rampant terrorism all over the world since that "War" began. Ron Paul accurately predicted that "Blowback".

Now let's circle back around to Jeff Sessions and his War on Marijuana. He recently reversed some Obama actions to keep the federal government from interfering with the Marijuana policies at the state level. This means the federal government could attempt to take action against Marijuana users in states that have legalized it. This is idiotic and stupid. This among several other reasons is one of the reasons I believe Sessions should be fired.

Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 drug. That is the worst rating you can make for a drug. It indicates it has no medical uses, and it is highly addictive. Neither of these are true for Marijuana.

The government actually holds several patents on the medical properties of Marijuana products. So they know it has medicinal value.

Now consider that Meth is actually a Schedule 2 drug. That means they consider Meth to be safer than Marijuana according to their scheduling.

Consider that alcohol is legal. Both meth and alcohol are far worse and more dangerous than marijuana.

So why?

Three reasons that I am aware of.

  1. The black market opportunities I already explained in some detail above.
  2. Big Pharmaceutical Lobbyists and Kickbacks. Marijuana products are often better for some medical purposes than any current pharmaceutical product, and without the crazy side effects. This is a challenge to many billions of dollars in pharmaceuticals. They lobby the crony politicians to keep Marijuana where it is to insure and increase they profits.
  3. Prison Industrial Complex. Prisons are increasing and have been dramatically been increasing in population. A lot of that is subsidized by the government, and an increasing number of products and services have been taken over by prisons. People may not realize how many products are increasingly being made by prisoners. They may not realize that a truck driver may be a prisoner. They may not realize the person calling them or answering a phone may be a prisoner. They may not realize a web page is made by prisoners. A large amount of this population comes from the avenue of busting people for Marijuana. If it is legalized then a lot less prison space would be needed. The Prison Industrial Complex much like big pharma will lobby the crony politicians for this.

I read an article yesterday by @johnvibes with the title. Inmates Charged for Jail Stay, Left Buried in Debt When they Get Out. I was aware of how corrupt and bad this had been since the 1994 time frame when I interacted with some of this business, but I didn't realize it could get even worse.

Today I read this article from The Washington Post (so likely an agenda) Legalized marijuana use threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement.

I have also seen Jeff Sessions be very Pro-asset forfeiture type actions from law enforcement.

When there are so many productive things that people could be doing, this is NOT one of those.

If they truly wanted to win the War on Drugs they would look at success stories like Portugual. Portugal decriminalized ALL drugs more than a decade ago. All drug related problems including IV borne diseases have decreased and are very low. It also is not costing them huge amounts of money.

I have had one concern with the "Make America Great Again" and the "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" type of statements. I believe most of us are for both of those phrases.

Yet I don't believe we support the idea that those become more and more inmate/prisoner jobs. Yet those are still "jobs" within the United States.

They simply are behind intimidating looking structures that actually end up being a lot like a modern day plantation.

I hope this was food for thought for some of you.


The comments you have on this post are reflective of the type of people associated with supporting cryptocurrencies, decentralization, and blockchain tech. It's a beautiful sight for sure. :')

Fantastic write up. Agreed on virtually all points. I'm very happy to know that my state (CA) just legalized recreational pot as on Jan 1st, 2018. In quite interesting in retrospect ...watching the first "Harold and Kumar" movie where the thought and talk of weed was super taboo. But this was back in the early 2000s. Fast forward to today and you can walk into a weed shop, show em your state ID, pass some cash, and walk out. It's nice to know that times are changing, but just as important to recognize that we can regress back into our past stances on weed, thanks to villains like Sessions.

The government, or anyone else, should have zero say in what I consume. It's outrageous.

This I can agree with to an extent, now where it becomes tricky is where to determine the threshold of how much can be consumed. ie alcohol is great, but too much and you have dangerous roads. I'm also thinking uppers like amphetamines and coke is fine, but too much and you have some over confident, reckless people making mistakes in society.

Putting something in my body is not a crime and never should be though. Punish people for the crimes they commit while intoxicated.

I live in Colorado. I will also say for the most part I support Trump at this point. I didn't vote for him, but I would now. With that said I am not a fan of Jeff Sessions.

Also Colorado legalization of Marijuana has been a positive as far as I can tell. My property value has almost doubled. The sky hasn't fallen.

I don't want them to do to pot what they did to alcohol though. Decriminalization is the key, not legalization. Legalization equals corporatism, taxation, and control. No thanks! :)

Yes, as much as I'd like full decriminalization to be the case, legalization under the pretense of taxation is what will make the "legalization narrative" more palatable for people on the opposing camp. And for now, I suppose that's good enough. Perhaps in a generation or two, we can reassess the public consensus and push for a more progressive stance on drugs.

They already have laws for theft, murder, assault, damaging someone elses property, etc. If they just use those when one of those occur then they don't really need to focus on HOW MUCH anyone consumes. People should be able to do what they want until they harm another person, or someone elses property. In which case, we already have laws for that and our legal system could be very simple. Just use those. No need to institute precrime and penalize EVERYONE because someone MIGHT commit a crime.

One of the main reasons I don't consider myself a Conservative is this crap. It's nobody's business what a free individual decides to consume. We can have public intoxication laws or whatever, but people shouldn't be legally prevented from buying or using weed. It's a ridiculous and frustrating property of Conservativism.

I side with the conservatives more often than the liberals these days, but that is just because I identify more with classical liberalism rather than this neo-marxism everything offends me crap that is liberalism today.

Also I identify with the term "conservative" from a conservation perspective.

My closest fit is actually Libertarian (Socially Liberal (Classical variety), and Fiscally Conservative). I end up siding with conservatives today mostly due to how insane the neo-liberals have become.

That story is so familiar. I heard there are graphs that show that conservatives stopped moving further to the right after the Tea Party, while liberals have only shot further and further Left.

If you are anything like me, which it seems that you are, then you were a libertarian who's principles didn't move while the political scale slid on underneath you.

Yeah. I was actually a Libertarian fighting from within the Republican party during two presidential processes where I was a delegate for Ron Paul both times. I am now registered as an Independent.

Could not agree with you more brother. I hope you and yours are having a tremendously wonderful new year? Let's break it down a bit further. We know big pharma is the puppeteer for all of our leaders world wide. We also know that big pharma doesn't want to cure anything although everything is curable......... everything but that's a whole other story. Now, ask yourself what is LEGAL and beyond that is everywhere and so easily accessible? Booze. Now booze or Satin's ...whoops... Satan's piss as I like to refer to it is terribly harmful in many ways to humans inside and outside of just health. Again we all know this story well. Mary Jane is quite good for many things within the human body but they don't want you to do anything good for the human body. That's bad for business which in turn is bad for their agenda. I could go on with this and maybe you're not so hard core on it but there's so much more to this as it all links to the food we eat here in the USA to the medical field to the grave...................

And the lyrics... :)

You may not be into metal, or perhaps you are but what you said made me remember that song from my youth.

I'll check it out. Thanks man!

Great article. All us Canadians will make it hard for them... we're not planning to stop! They're still charging people over here though, wish they would stop wasting my tax dollars. Can't wait for July.

Here in Holland it is legal to use soft drugs, as far as it is for own consumption it is also allowed to carry it along with you.
But still there are many regulations, and actually it is not 100 % legal, because always too many things to discuss,...

This is a blessedly huge and informative post. I have suggested before that we all send "Jeff" a box of special sweets. If nothing else he will have a "lighter" view of what the hell his dimwit persona is talking about.

Informative....Thanks for the information and helpful .
Thank's for sharing sir.

I'm never surprised by the continued march towards more and more fascism/corporatism. It is disgusting.

Be careful with that. Fascism is NOT quite what people often realize. I agree it is happening, but be careful who you support that says they are fighting "fascism" as the biggest fascists in history were actually Socialists. Those claiming to be helping people and believe in tolerance and supporting other people often end up granting governments the most power and end up being the least tolerant. An easy way for fascism to win is for the fascists to convince us they are fighting fascism.

Though yes there are fascists in both political parties in the U.S. Yet it is usually the left claiming to be fighting the fasicsts and if you study fascism they these days are the closest fit for that. Hate speech, racial intolerance, divide, dictating what pronouns we must use, etc. All claiming to be tolerance as long as we act and say exactly what they believe is okay. I haven't really seen the RIGHT getting violent YET. That is a good thing. We don't need to give them reason to justify martial law or to empower the UN Troops within the U.S. (agenda 21)

Excellent points.

i will always support you man!!!

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