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RE: Jeff Sessions Regressionary Attack on Marijuana. Make America Great Again? Prison Industrial Complex.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Fantastic write up. Agreed on virtually all points. I'm very happy to know that my state (CA) just legalized recreational pot as on Jan 1st, 2018. In quite interesting in retrospect ...watching the first "Harold and Kumar" movie where the thought and talk of weed was super taboo. But this was back in the early 2000s. Fast forward to today and you can walk into a weed shop, show em your state ID, pass some cash, and walk out. It's nice to know that times are changing, but just as important to recognize that we can regress back into our past stances on weed, thanks to villains like Sessions.


The government, or anyone else, should have zero say in what I consume. It's outrageous.

This I can agree with to an extent, now where it becomes tricky is where to determine the threshold of how much can be consumed. ie alcohol is great, but too much and you have dangerous roads. I'm also thinking uppers like amphetamines and coke is fine, but too much and you have some over confident, reckless people making mistakes in society.

Putting something in my body is not a crime and never should be though. Punish people for the crimes they commit while intoxicated.

I live in Colorado. I will also say for the most part I support Trump at this point. I didn't vote for him, but I would now. With that said I am not a fan of Jeff Sessions.

Also Colorado legalization of Marijuana has been a positive as far as I can tell. My property value has almost doubled. The sky hasn't fallen.

I don't want them to do to pot what they did to alcohol though. Decriminalization is the key, not legalization. Legalization equals corporatism, taxation, and control. No thanks! :)

Yes, as much as I'd like full decriminalization to be the case, legalization under the pretense of taxation is what will make the "legalization narrative" more palatable for people on the opposing camp. And for now, I suppose that's good enough. Perhaps in a generation or two, we can reassess the public consensus and push for a more progressive stance on drugs.

They already have laws for theft, murder, assault, damaging someone elses property, etc. If they just use those when one of those occur then they don't really need to focus on HOW MUCH anyone consumes. People should be able to do what they want until they harm another person, or someone elses property. In which case, we already have laws for that and our legal system could be very simple. Just use those. No need to institute precrime and penalize EVERYONE because someone MIGHT commit a crime.

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