Is Science just a propaganda tool for the rich to brainwash the poor?

in #politics7 years ago

Is Science just propaganda from the rich?

In a response to one of my posts defining science I received a comment which stated: "Science is just a propaganda tool for the rich to brainwash the poor". I thought about this comment and on the face of it, it reminded me of something I would hear from a flat earth believer, or a 911 truther, but is there any truth to that comment?

Steemit, what do you think? Is Science just a propaganda tool for the rich to brainwash the poor?


Science is checkable, open, repeatable and transparent for who ever invests some time to understand... these are not typical characteristics of a tool suitable for brainwashing.

I agree on a basic level, although that makes me assume that all scientists are honest and have published true science. What if scientists use their accolades in the field to try and convince people about other things that didn't actually go through the scientific process? Or if they peddle theories as proven facts?

That is true. But it is not the science "fault" when it gets hijacked ;-)
For example I really dislike, when people are trying to convince me about esoteric or spiritual matters by telling me that all would be scientifically proven.

Thank you I see your point :). I am a person of faith but I would be lying to myself to call it "scientifically" proven. Theories at best.


well if it is endlessly repeatable, there is no room to discover anything new. It is because there are always new elements coming into play that the experience is limited in time

Science helps satisfy the natural curiosity, why is the sky blue? What is a solar eclipse? Sure it can be use to control the minds, sure it can be use as a tool.

everything the science monopoly has taught is wrong... everything is a lies, and it starts with economics... the global monetary system, which is a debt machine creating debt slaves

You know what they say... There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

The message is that data can be interpreted to suit one's own needs - especially when one has more access to or understanding of the data than the people one is intending to convince of one's viewpoint.

Of course - science is somewhat harder to creatively interpret to one's own needs. That is not to say that it cannot happen, especially in certain politically-charged areas (where it certainly has).

Incidentally appealing to peoples' common sense is a different matter. For instance, logic would suggest that two planes slamming into two towers would drop two towers - especially if they somehow pancake in on themselves...

But the "truth" is that there was a third tower that fell that day - World Trade Center 5.

It probably had nothing to do with what establishments were in that building...


It is depend of what kind of Science you are talking about I think. If is about the Netflix Science shows I would say yes (Science guy show for example)... if is a Science who behave like Religion without admitting any debate (a intellingent one of course, not a show tv debate one) I also would say yes (the "what I say is a fact and will be not disscusion about it" sayers for example)... other than that I do not see Science been a "brainwashing" tool but more an eye and mind "opener" tool :)

Scientists are paid by huge corporations to make findings that are favorable to them. One instance of this is the soy controversy, where there is this myth going around that consuming it raises your estrogen levels. This "finding" was done by scientists hired by the commercial meat and dairy industry to demonize a plant that would naturally compete with those industries as a dairy substitute. The reality is that plants are asexual and thus create phytoestrogen for themselves, of which they use to reproduce with, which is completely different from mammalian estrogen (ACTUAL estrogen) which comes from cow milk that we consume regularly.

Also, pharmaceutical companies lose lots of potential profits from healthy people so the incentive to slander competition is there, for the purposes of justifying quarterly profit margins.

did you know dairy cows are getting hormones to produce more milk, so they can be milked for hourssss daily?

These hormones are in the milk!!

People trust scientists to tell them how the world works (they want to be told) so when people like Darwin told people that everything could be explained by random mutation and chance and the idea of a creator or god was unscientific, it naturally led to people being able to justify behaviour that would once have been frowned upon, to be accepted. Eugenics is a natural progression from evolution that is completely incompatible with the majority of people's worldview prior to evolution when people had faith in God over science.

I'm not saying this is neccessarily a bad thing and it wouldn't be unless you believe as I do, that science has been taken over and is used as a propaganda tool.

It's used to keep us contained. To ensure we stop thinking about things that cannot be proven by science such as reincarnation, the existence of a soul or the idea that 'good' and 'evil' are real and not just words that make people think of a man with a beard in the sky or a red man with a fork living underground.

If you disagree with how much man has contributed to climate change you are a 'science denier'. If you ask questions about evolution you are a 'religious idiot' or someone who doesn't understand basic concepts 'a child could understand'.

There are people who are happy to accept 'consensus' amongst scientists and that the 'science is settled' when it wasn't too long ago that pretty much any scientist that heard a statement such as that would have laughed and dismissed it with the distain it deserves.

We've been lied about everything and the religion of science has been used to keep the lies alive.

I'm not a believer in Jesus or God or whatever but I've moved away from being a religious atheist because I realised I sounded like an arrogant prick. Thankfully, I never bought a t-shirt that said "I'm an atheist, debate me".

Darwin told people that everything could be explained by random mutation

RANDOM MUTATION is like a religion for scientists

We've been lied about everything and the religion of science has been used to keep the lies alive.

I agree 100%. I blog about it every day

If that is the sort of stuff you are writing about everyday. Consider yourself followed :-)

Here is a funny standup on this topic, enjoy :)

Science is a way for the poor to get rich ;)

The fact I even have to answer this question is depressing. If we lose belief in science we're going back to times when they believed plague was caused by Jews poisoning wells. Knowing it's infinitely superior to believing and it always will be.

Failed logic ... Facebook IS just a propaganda tool for the rich to brainwash the poor. lol

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

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