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RE: Is Science just a propaganda tool for the rich to brainwash the poor?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

You know what they say... There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

The message is that data can be interpreted to suit one's own needs - especially when one has more access to or understanding of the data than the people one is intending to convince of one's viewpoint.

Of course - science is somewhat harder to creatively interpret to one's own needs. That is not to say that it cannot happen, especially in certain politically-charged areas (where it certainly has).

Incidentally appealing to peoples' common sense is a different matter. For instance, logic would suggest that two planes slamming into two towers would drop two towers - especially if they somehow pancake in on themselves...

But the "truth" is that there was a third tower that fell that day - World Trade Center 5.

It probably had nothing to do with what establishments were in that building...


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