Classical Liberalism 101: A Victory for Patriots! -- UPDATE!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Almost two weeks ago, I posted about some of the history leading up to and the aftermath of the patriot rancher movement in the US and its struggles with the federal government, and particularly the Bureau of Land Management -- a division of the Department of the Interior. There are both good and bad (and sad?) news items that have recently come up.

First, a rather humorous piece, originally posted in the comments of my previous story above.

Next, finally, some great news! After having been granted a mistrial 2 weeks ago, the Bundys were released "with prejudice," meaning that the federal government is not allowed to retry them! They are walking free!!!

Bundys freed.jpg

Now, the bad news. The war on those in involved in this particular movement to defend private property against the encroachments of government has not stopped. This week, one of the ranchers in Oregon left his hometown (on his horse, to get word out) to travel to Lompoc, California, where he will serve a year and a day in prison for his role in the Oregon affair. (Predictably, perhaps, the judge -- after finding out he was riding his horse -- sent him to a different, out-of-state prison than the one he was originally supposed to serve time in! What a joke :D) We can still hope he gets released early for good behavior, though.

Let us not also forget that every one of LaVoy Finicum's murderers (each a federal agent) is walking around free today.

So, we have reason to be hopeful for the future, but also to be diligent in the present. Happy New Year, to all of you out there who want to take over the world -- and leave it alone!!!


I had commented on your last post about this that I had heard nothing about the mistrial in the mainstream media and that I was not surprised.

NEWS FLASH: I heard a 10 second update today and they didn't even use Cliven Bundy's name but referred to him as a Nevada cattle rancher. How telling is it that they would commit so much coverage to the stand-off and making him and his family look like a crazy people but won't even utter their names when the case is dismissed? #governmentrunmedia

I couldn't agree with you more. That's one reason I get my news from the internet. Even if it is propaganda (that's an interesting term to try to come to a consensus with friends on its definition, lol), I choose the propaganda I let have access to my brain capacity ;)

My approach to watching the news these days is certainly different than before. I dissect things instead of swallowing it all hook, line and sinker. Who have I learned this from? ;) :D

Friends and family, I'm pretty sure ;)

Great news indeed!

"Failure to turn over such evidence violates due process," Navarro said last month. "A fair trial at this point is impossible."

The prosecution was clearly attempting to suppress all those horrible things they did. Makes me wonder why they were so crazy about this operation, what brought them to that point, what really was there for the BLM to gain from this?

I would guess the BLM was after power. But clearly, the feral government was the aggressor, as usual ...

Finally, an article that gets into the real problem here: government.

"Let us not also forget that every one of LaVoy Finicum's murderers (each a federal agent) is walking around free today."

It is a negotiated peace basically. These casualties and the government's grievous actions are certainly not being forgotten.

Hopefully, the government will stop trying to confiscate people's land, but I doubt they will stop for good.

Yeah, I doubt it, too.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:News, feel free to use the #informationwars tag

Thanks, guys!

You should check out the works of @familyprotection
They are fighting a very good fight for a very good and important cause. The only problem I have with them is there is too much content that is worth spreading.

Yeah, CPS has been stealing children -- literally -- and forcing them into homes with abusive fosters for seemingly forever. Another horrible abuse of "state" power!

This post has received gratitude of 0.56 % from @appreciator thanks to: @brentssanders.

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins
Relevance: Exposure of Deep State operations and #fakenews coverup
Our Purpose

I'd invite you to add the #informationwar tag to posts of this nature in the future...excellent work!

oops, I see @openparadigm has already curated. I apologize for the double-post

No prob at all. Thanks for promoting it!

Well i think this is all about our president Donald Trumpt right?

Um, no. Maybe read the articles? :) Sessions is checking out whether (to which extent) there was abuse of power and misconduct on the part of the feds, but that is the only connection I see here. All the bad shit in this case went down under Obama.

Ohh i guess, But many things are going on we don't know how they face them :)

I might have missed it in this oost somewhere but do you have a link to the previous post you were referring too??? I would like to read that as well!! Great post

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