
If the federal government of the United States had been kept within the confines of the Constitution, which strictly limited its powers and states that any powers not specifically delegated to it were reserved to the individual States or to the People, .......

Then it wouldn't much matter who was elected to the office of President, now would it?


Hillary is equally awful too. Unfortunately, one of them is going to win. And, we all will lose.

Equally awful? Are you fucking stupid? Please don't talk if you have no idea of how bad crooked hilary is. If you did 1% of the crimes she committed you would be in jail for LIFE. So please again don't talk if you don't know what you are talking about and that goes for the rest of the brainwashed cunts in here.

The reason I upvoted @magnebit's post is because @stephencurry downvoted it, and I wanted to balance out the downvote in order to maintain a respectful debate and community in Steemit, and to provide a safe space so that every one feels like they can voice their opinion without being verbally (or voted-ly) attacked. And to @stephencurry I respect any political opinions you may have, and if you support Trump then that is great for you. However, please do not spread hate speech on Steemit. I believe violent speech is just as dangerous and harmful as violent action.

The only hate speech is the one you presented in this post which contains NO FACTS at all and should be deleted. All it is doing is brainwashing more people.
Trump Has Disqualified Himself-
Trump Has Indelibly Marked Himself as a Racist, as a Xenophobic Nativist Bigot


Thaddeus Russell, the greatest historian of our times who has been on the Joe Rogan Podcast many times, does not endorse Trump, but he concludes that Trump is a far safer and more rational choice than Hillary. As a nonwhite immigrant who grew up in the ghetto, I think Hillary is the real racist. Her policies have kept Blacks in prison since the 1990s after calling them "super predators". Trump is the asshole Buddha. He means well, but says it in a cheeky way for publicity, but overall he is much more socially liberal than Hillary.



Trump is an idiot headless

Please understand Trump's message of universal love. I explained it in more detail here.

Live long and prosper my friend,


STFU go make me some tacos. You are just another MAD ignorant mexican who hates his life and blames it on trump.

The reason I upvoted @luisucv34's post is because @stephencurry downvoted it, and I wanted to balance out the downvote in order to maintain a respectful debate and community in Steemit, and to provide a safe space so that every one feels like they can voice their opinion without being verbally (or voted-ly) attacked. And to @stephencurry I respect any political opinions you may have, and if you support Trump then that is great for you. However, please do not spread hate speech on Steemit. I believe violent speech is just as dangerous and harmful as violent action.

While I disagree with OP's hateful opinion. More hate is not the answer. We must spread Sage Trump's message of Universal Love.

In Harambe we trust my friend,


Well with brain dead fucking cunts like Bruce curtis, a spread of Trump's realistic message will not be comprehended by a brain dead fucking cunt like bruce curtis.

@stephencurry You seem salty in your defense about Trump, no where in this post have you spoke on donald's qualifications or any policy benefits for America other than he is reality. Telling someone to make tacos and calling someone a ignorant mexican is a classic trump supporter response especially when if you look at @luisucv34 the person is from venezuela.

I get that all of these labels are things that I, as an educated white male, am not supposed to like, and I don't particularly like them. I just don't get how that qualifies as disqualifying him. Doesn't seem like Mrs. Clinton is being disqualified for taking actions that would land any normal citizen in jail, and that actually should disqualify her. But being an A-hole bigot has never disqualified anyone before, in fact, it used to be a prerequisite. A better argument would be that Gary Johnson is being disqualified because he can't even get in the poles which would allow him to be in the debates, it's a strait media lock-down on him and it's shameful we've allowed the DNC and RNC dictate the terms of the election, especially when they both deliver such horrible products to the market, but even that is a stretch.

I think people need to learn how to check their hyperbole at the door, especially in political discussions.

My sad experience is that people who use the term "racist" are usually those who are the racists. Those against whom they play "the race card" are usually completely unaware of race. It doesn't even enter into their thinking.

Stop voting.

@tuck-fheman have you read the book "Seeing" by Jose Saramago?
The most interesting political commentary/fictional books I have read on the subject of voting. Here is a summary:

On election day in the capital, it is raining so hard that no one has bothered to come out to vote. The politicians are growing jittery. Should they reschedule the elections for another day? Around three o’clock, the rain finally stops. Promptly at four, voters rush to the polling stations, as if they had been ordered to appear. But when the ballots are counted, more than 70 percent are blank. The citizens are rebellious. A state of emergency is declared. But are the authorities acting too precipitously? Or even blindly? The word evokes terrible memories of the plague of blindness that hit the city four years before, and of the one woman who kept her sight. Could she be behind the blank ballots? A police superintendent is put on the case. What begins as a satire on governments and the sometimes dubious efficacy of the democratic system turns into something far more sinister. A singular novel from the author of Blindness.

All of these solid reasons why Trump should not be President can also serve as reasons why he probably will be President.

Good thing we have teams like @Steemit building future systems of consensus to replace the old ones. With any luck, the world will be so awash in tech-enabled abundance we'll forget to have the 2020 elections ;-)

In the meantime...

I don't get into political talk often but I love me some idocracy!

Seriously people just rant about shit that they hate but cant give any solid reasons or facts to back up why they hate. Just shows the person who you really are. Anti trumpers need to jump off a cliff.

Solid reasons? list them here for me

Idiocracy is already happening regardless of who becomes president, but if you want to avoid Idiocracy in your personal community, then you might want to read this post:

Lol! So happy you guys introduced me to Steemit. Hope you two are loving New Zealand!

It feels like a bad reality show took over politics.

Well yeah, politics is a bad reality show.

True that! I can't believe people are even interested in politics (especially US-politics). Professional Show-Wrestling has more credibility...

The only reality show is the one your brain is in unfortunately. Donald trump IS REALITY. But like i said the only reality show is the one your brain is living in.

It is ridiculous. I wonder how different it would be if we had a different campaign system like in other countries. AKA time restrictions on when a presidential campaign can start and budget restrictions on how much they can spend on the campaign. Here is an interesting article:

Yeah @anwenbaumeister , but that's exactly Trump's magic. He doesn't need to pay much for ads or TV time, he just need to make a controversial comment about something outrageous and then free publicity in the entire planet. The joke about his candidacy took him to where he is now. Everybody has exploit the Trump topic for months and now everybody wonders why his image grew so fast.

Stop talking. You are just brainwashed unfortunately and it is swaying peoples opinions.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream

Curious why I bolded "life is but a dream"?
Then you might want to read about how a powerful psychedelic trip made me conclude that Trump is a manifestation of universal love:

Thanks for the shout.

@albertogm, Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing a different point of view on Trump. @deboas...true, I just haven't seen many posts or debates about politics on Steemit! Thanks for pointing me to a great one though :-)

Thanks @anwenbaumeister I like to write about politics and social issues too. Hoping to read more.

You shouldn't be writing about politcis if you are comparing trump to chavez lol. Any scholar would laugh at you endlessly for this.

I believe that Trump is a manifestation of universal love prophesized by Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu sages ages ago. I explained it in more detail here.



He's more like the demon Ravana, 10 different heads, 10 different viewpoints on the same issue

Why would you link this lol? He is comparing donald trump to hugo chavez. Lol you must really be an idiot to compare donald trump to hugo chavez.

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