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RE: Succinct Absolute Truth about 9/11 and Las Vegas Massacre

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Very revealing photo of the molten steel in the debris pile:

The source wrote:

Red Hot Debris. The removal of debris from the collapsed areas requires the safe lifting and maneuvering of very heavy steel beams, often twisted and tangled from the force of the collapse. Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than 7 weeks after the attack, and it is suspected that temperatures beneath the debris pile are well in excess of 1,000°F. One group of beams fell end-first, embedding themselves deeply into the subway system below. The removal of these beams — one of which struck an electrical equipment room — is a delicate operation requiring close coordination with New York City Transit […] LiRo is working with New York City Transit to shore up […]

Key among LiRo’s on-site engineering staff are structural engineers Dick Posthauer and Chuck Guardia, Jr., and civil engineer Mike Marsico, formerly with the Port Authority. Frank Franco, an architect with LiRo’s construction management group, serves as LiRo’s project manager […]

I rebutted (archived and archived) Jim’s claim that the above photo looks like his barbecue:

Jim do you understand the process for mining coal or producing charcoal from for example coconuts in the Philippines? Can you explain how a toppled building can spontaneously manufacture charcoal? [Also note the rectangular shape of the molten object in the photo isn’t shaped like charcoal.]

The white smoke in the image tells us the temperature is in excess of 1,000°F.

Do [you] choose to ignore what the construction crew wrote:

Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than 7 weeks after the attack, and it is suspected that temperatures beneath the debris pile are well in excess of 1,000°F.

[Controlled demolition on] 9/11 is indeed refuted in the minds of those who do not understand engineering and physics. IOW, those who do not understand the laws of nature are indeed duped. What is your rebuttal my friend?

A friend of mine who is a (not senior level) structural engineer said he does believe 9/11 was a controlled demolition but he pondered whether the kinetic energy of the collapse could have generated the heat that provided for the molten steel seen under the rubble. I replied such concentrated, sustained heat hasn’t existed in the rubble in other controlled demolitions of tall buildings. There was mass that could absorb and disperse that heat, such as the pulverized concrete which did in fact produce a hot wind.

Other comments I wrote which were deleted by Eric from “his” blog (the Internet is reverting to archaic television wherein participation is owned by some asshole-in-chief):

To me the main problem is logical. Let’s assume you are doing an inside job, planting explosives to blow up the towers and blame it on terrorists. Why bother with hijacking airliners at all??

One irrefutable fact that we can prove is there was a plane that flew very fast at the front face of the Pentagon but it approached from over the North side of the Citgo station, not the official physically impossible South side. We know this because of for example testimony from several witnesses (including two police officers on video), because the physical evidence is impossible to align with the South side approach, and because we have the cab driver on video admitting he lied about the entire light pole thing (which is also shown to be hoax with detailed analysis of the physical evidence). There’s more details than I can put in a blog comment. You will need to read my second blog […] which delves in greater detail.

Bottom line is that we know the plane pulled up and flew over the Pentagon at the last few seconds and we have a lot of evidence supporting this. Including the physical evidence, the witness evidence and the “ground effect” physics. Details on my blog.

A bomb was planted in the Pentagon [construction was ongoing before 9/11]. The plane was over the building at a split second before fireball. Only one eyewitness actually saw the plane and fireball [simultaneously] and he was more than 1 kilometer away. We even have a witness who walked out of the hole in the front of the Pentagon who confirm this is the only possible explanation.

There are not holes nor even cracked windows where the 4 ton engines would had impacted the front face. The beams in the hole were blown outwards.

As for the other planes in New York, that is a deeper discussion than I will attempt to summarized in this blog comment.

The reason 9/11 was done the way it was done is ostensibly to leverage the hate and fear of Islam because that turns off the pre-frontal cortex, as is quite evidence by the high IQ failure here to keep the eyes on the ball! 9/11 is a pysop false-flag. Every major nation on earth has done a false-flag to achieve aims of war. C.f. the $7 billion Yeltsin entrapment by the DEEP STATE to understand what is really going on behind the curtain. Y’all are duped.

All such 9/11 theories are major failures of logic.

Sorry no! I can refute all. Y’all have failed to use your brains.

Just one question about Flight 77: what happened to the plane and the 64 people on it?

We don’t know but a reasonable theory is based on the gaps in the nation’s radar coverage that day, which the planes few into. This is covered in the Pilots for 9/11 Truth video I linked to from my blog. It’s posited that the planes were replaced with militarized remote controlled replicas at that point. There’s some eye witnesses who claim to have seen these militarized replica as the plane that flew to the Pentagon at a ground level altitude. For example, one lady saw it out her bathroom window. My blog links off to sources / videos that explore this in more detail. I highly suggested Citizen Investigation Team but do read my other blog In T̶h̶e̶f̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶s̶ᵀʳᵃⁿˢᵖᵃʳᵉⁿᶜʸ We Trust first because I summarize it all. Otherwise you might discount the CIT website on some cherry picked technicality if you do not first know the holistic thesis.

Also there were eye witnesses who claimed to have viewed the scene of the alleged crash in the field and they say it looked like nothing crashed there. Like a minor thing that had been dug out with a backhoe.

There are many more details than I can remember off the top of my head. That was some months ago when I did that deep dive again for the first time since the 10th anniversary.

For example, I just remember[ed] another tidbit datum. There’s photos of the Pentagon cleared of debris before they started the reconstruction and the concrete slab has absolutely no damage whatsoever. Also the alleged plane fit perfectly under the slab of the second floor. There’s many implausibilities in every official story of 9/11. Dig deep and you shall find.

Ken you’re spot on. But you’re missing a key point in your argument about females, which is revealed if you read my follow-up comments today on the prior blog about the irrefutable evidence regarding 9/11. If you can somehow find my blog which I apparently am unable to link here because of some retarded filter, you will find my explanation to some females (on Quora)about this phenomenon you articulated. The key facet you’re missing in defense of your argument against tz and others, is that the alpha males are those who are doing the violence and who are using the Democrat politicians as puppets. These DEEP STATE elite have Trump cornered. He has no chance. Btw, do note that Mueller was head of the FBI during 9/11. C.f. very important $7 billion IMF entrapment bribe of Yeltsin. Directly from a key source who was jailed in contempt-of-court. They tried to frame the cause of the Long-term Capital Management fiasco on him.

I refute your “evidence of controlled demolitions at 9/11” by using hot water on the metal lid of a glass jar to open it.

The truth doesn’t depend on insulation not being important in steel buildings. In fact, the WTC twin towers were undergoing $1 billion (in 2001 dollars) of work to replace the asbestos on the steel (which is one way the perpetrators were able to place the thermate on the beams undetected). The complete refutation of your point is already on my blog. I can’t piece-meal the argument here because it is detailed. Not thermite! Thermite does not cut steel. Thermite mixed with sulfur indeed cuts steel. I have video on my blog proving it will, with very small quantities of thermite required.

Most of us just don’t bother for the same reason we don’t argue with schizophrenics about the radio in their tooth, or tell other people’s children the truth about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

That’s not a scientific argument. That is junk science. It is the same sort of cognitive dissonant babble attempt at a “retort” that we hear from people who think the fraud of AGW is truth. You have not even studied the evidence in detail, because I know for a fact that official story is impossible. And I have dug up evidence that is irrefutable. Y’all are lazy and just assumed you were correct. Analogus to the AGW freakazoids’ presumptious arrogance. I have pondered how could just high IQ individuals such as Eric fall into this trap? Confirmation bias! He hates Islam because it is backward tribalism and allegedly “enslaves” females.

Find my blog by Googling: “Succinct Absolute Truth about 9/11 and Las Vegas Massacre”

And don’t cherry pick. Dig deep before babbling. And debate me there on my blog, where I am not likely to be censored by our (corrupt?) host.

EU-resident Alsadius tells us not to worry and maybe he’s relying on a myopic blog from Eric:

Remember, we won this particular fight. The places where they have the most influence are the places that are already the most SJW-heavy, and those places rarely matter.


Except now they have enough power to get you fired from your job and kick of social media if you don’t go along. Heck, in your country they have “Human Rights” Commissions […]

One time in a million, yes. And don’t get me wrong, that’s a problem. It’s a gross injustice to the unlucky SOB who gets targeted […] But most people who express rightist views in public do so freely and without harm coming to them.

Why do Europeans forget how quickly economic collapse turns into war and mega-death? They seem to need to repeat it every 80 years or so, as a wake-up call and reality check.

I’m going to be ROTFLMAO when the leftists take control of the elections via immigration and repeat the socialist/Marxist Wiemar Republic mode of self-destruction again. These overconfident fools on Eric’s blog plan to take out the power and food supply of major cities. Understanding the truth of 9/11 is key to understanding what happens next after that.

If we understand the global elite are determined to exterminate these overconfident “patriots”, and we know the smartest action is to push an object in the direction of its extant motion and inertia, then clearly the U.S. military assets will be turned against the USA as a false-flag. It’s much easier to get a man to destroy himself by fighting for what he believes in when he’s entirely duped by a false-flag. Imagine America’s ICBMs being launched against the USA itself and blamed on Russian hacking. The duped U.S. military will attack Russia with passion and rage in retaliation. In return, Russia will nuke the patriots. What is coming is utter chaos, psyops, and mega-death.

So called “patriots” are outnumbered by ideological Frankenstein “can’t do” Millennials and will kill each other because frankly many men don’t trust intellectuals such as the witless, pointless Eric and his duped sycophants (c.f. also). A 100 IQ man with a gun can take out his frustrations on a genius (or even to steal food because he’s hungry) when that “genius” isn’t looking. As Dmitry Orlov related in excruciating detail from the Serbian experience, it’s impossible to be permanently vigilant in a civil war.

Armstrong blogged:

That gives me fear because the computer has been projecting the upturn in civil unrest […] This is why the Financial Capital of the World will migrate to China after 2032. We are incapable of getting along with each other.

Christians might claim this is all anticipated in Revelation 13 that Satan will be granted power to deceive all the negentropic atheists with their own witless hubris as the Lord pours out the seven bowls of wrath:

13 And I saw three unclean spirits […] come out of the mouth of […] the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth […] to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

4 And they worshipped […] the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast […] that they should make an image to the beast […]

Eric’s self-deception is multifaceted. Fails to grok that Trump is but a manifestation of the politicized psyops underway. Ironically the peculiarity he noted doesn’t mean what he thinks it does:

So what does it say about our ruling elites that when they go up against Trump they almost always come off as crazier, more selfish, and less competent than he is?

madrocketsci wrote on Eric’s hack-a-flog:

I’m dismayed that perhaps THE principal feature of the dark ages (any dark ages, really): The keening hysterical need to punish heresy, burn books, and control thought is such a widespread and not-seriously-contested attitude in our culture today. What happened to the free world?

Self-deception is the norm, not the exception. Look in the mirror.


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