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RE: End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

(continued from the parent post)

Jim wrote:

You are lecturing us without understanding or listening to our doctrines

I’ve read and understood your (group’s) doctrines. And agree with much of the reasoning. I am making my points of disagreement. What you do with my points (e.g. censor, ignore, debate, etc) is up to you (all) of course.

Every system that approximated anarcho capitalism (no state monopoly of legitimate violence, highly distributed power) had and needed a state religion.

All prior examples were in the agricultural and industrial epochs wherein fixed capital investment was paramount. The Second Computer Revolution (aka Knowledge Age) is changing everything:

You cannot separate state and religion. A state always represents elite coordination, and to coordinate on a large scale, you have to have shared religion.

For wide scale economic cooperation we no longer need top-down protection of fixed capital nor large fixed capital investments. In fact, in software the Mythical Man Month is prominent and cooperation is antithetical. The only cooperative scaling model that works is the decentralized Inverse Commons:
(skip to 4min for the punchline)

Linus’s speech about Git provides some insight into why only decentralized cooperation scales in this new epoch:

(after the initial linked intro, skip to 13min for the punchline)

Unfortunately presumably many of you are oblivious to the technological change that is underway and thus you reach for antiquated non-solutions which are deprecated and thus won’t be competitive.

As for military cooperation, the nation-state and land are becoming relatively worth-less as the Knowledge Age disintermediates the value of fixed capital investment. So exactly what are you fighting to protect?

As for fighting to protect culture, religion, and K-strategy procreation, turning this responsibility over to a State religion far away from your local community is providing a power vacuum for Satan to capture and undermine/enslave you, precisely as the Lord warned in 1 Samuel 8. If you want to protect your family, monitor your priests in a small community close to home. Be involved in adherence to true Christianity.

In fact, you guys aren’t Christians because you lust precisely for an earthly King to lead you as the Lord warned you not to do in 1 Samuel 8. And so to know what the Lord will do to you, just read 1 Samuel 15.

Which in the American hegemony is the religion of the priestly seminary of Harvard. You can tolerate other religions, but they necessarily have a subordinate and inferior position, like modern Christianity. Hence modern Christianity’s acceptance of sodomy, divorce at female whim, child support in place of the nuclear family, “season of singleness”, and Drag Queen story hour.

Yep. Exactly what happens to people who allow their communities to be inundated by an external religion of priests, e.g. the mass media. Why the fuck are you sending your kids to Harvard? Who the fuck cares what the “useful idiots” do. You want to be in control of idiots and lazy males who are unwilling to cordon the ideological influence in their local communities. Good luck with managing idiots and lazy men. I will instead prefer to raise men in communities of men who are highly productive in the Knowledge Age and who understand the importance of protecting the Christianity of the local community. Any sons who can’t do this, should GTFO. Any women who protest can GTFO. I don’t need those idiots.

The no establishment of religion clause was intended to guarantee that each state had the right to its own distinct state religion. And that was what the War of Northern Aggression was all about, imposing one state religion on the entire United States, and, eventually, the world.

The clause gives us protection to freedom of religion. So unlike for example in China, we are allowed to for example home school our children. And teach any religion we wish. Although this does not provide the State religion control you want, it provides a window of opportunity for us to use the Knowledge Age to disintermediate the irrelevant State and its impotent State religion. You are viewing it as defeat, because you frame in the context of the antiquated fixed capital investment age wherein the capital that owned the farms and factories was vulnerable to the collective. We are leaving that epoch. Small, lean teams of engineers are much more powerful now.

That state religion is trapped in a holiness spiral, which inevitably will result in its self destruction.

Indeed. And you want to carry all the baggage on your shoulders. Ha. You will be stuck in a tar pit. And the high priests will be undermining you and infiltrating the State bureaucracy. Whereas, so far it appears Trump is smarter. He is appears to be playing all sides against each other to maximize the productive outcomes rather than going for some silly winner-take-all delusion that ties all our shoelaces together.

Let us pray that it does not destroy us in its death throes.

It would be best to have a contigency plan in case your preferred outcome of Trump eviscerating the evil priests is not achieved.

Here, we are preparing a new State Religion, which will honor King, flag, and country.

Another Hitler?

Bob wrote:

How many TSA or customs agents did you shoot? How much blood have you shed?

Lusting for power over the part of the world that we are not part of is Satanic.

It seems you have not really understood the Bible.

Why do you prioritize controlling other idiots when you have not even yet gained sufficient Christian ideological influence over yourself, your own family and community?

I wrote before that if you have not built a strong foundation close to home, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Prove it. I said the right was gone already and we haven’t fought, negating your idea that gun confiscation is a Schelling point.

Americans have not lost their right to bear arms yet. Indeed there are significant restrictions and attacks on this, but families in rural areas can bear arms. My point is why aren’t more of you moving out to rural areas and training your kids correctly. If you want to stem the tide, you need to proactive. The easy way out is to presume a nation-wide cleansing will save you. Thus disobeying the commandment of the Lord in 1 Samuel 8, telling you what a King will do to you.

If we do not actually push back by making it a Schelling point, then that is our fault. How many kids have you raised with the correctly defiant attitude?

If you have local priests, then you will only have local cohesion and will be overwhelmed by the warriors with a national priesthood giving them national cohesion.

What is more glorious than to die for God against heathen. Why are you afraid?

If more of you would stop being a afraid and paralyzed, and actually proactive in your local communities, then America would not be collapsing.

Essentially men are lazy. They want it done for them the easy way.

Those so called Americans are everyone minus maybe the Bundy’s. No group has withstood the Cathedral.

All I read from you is, “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”

The Bundy’s are still ruled by the State and Federal governments.

Are you sure? They may be ruled only by God. We would have to speak to them.

You’re unclear. I described a problem and you said nobody should need that problem. Would you elaborate how representative governments do not in fact get co-opted by a group that influences the people who choose the leaders?

You think you need the Great Harlot. Thus you are enslaved by it. You need only God. And make sure your family is raised with this understanding.

Matthew 6:26-27 New International Version (NIV)
26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

Rural Christian America does not interact with the world. All international dealings from the US are done by leftists in the government, who don’t stand for mankind.


There’s no we. You ran away.

I commune with Christians who understand and adhere to the word as written.

You keep describing end results without describing mechanisms to achieve them.

An initial step:

Further discussion is pointless if we do not even have ideological congruence.

I mean, if we all voted for honest politicians, wouldn’t we not have any problems? Isn’t the solution as easy as just only voting for honest politicians?

We do not get to vote for the high priests behind the curtain. Also remember my link “Some Iron Laws of Political Economics”.

Carrying the deadweight of an entire nation-state is no longer needed nor efficient in the Knowledge Age.

Honestly, none of that made sense.

If you’re sincere, perhaps I can let you know when I have a church wherein we will discuss these matters.

Vague (and terrible) advice about how to bypass the problem of why they’re not actually cohesive doesn’t show that they’re a good example.

Ditto what I wrote above about you apparently want (non-)solutions handed to you on a silver platter.

You sound like you couldn’t describe our idea of rule by priests or warriors and you won’t describe how to rule with soft power.

Ditto what I wrote above about being in control of preventing Yuri Bezmenov’s ideological subversion in your local community. If you can’t accomplish that, then you are weak and prone to any subversion of the State religion. Where honey there are flies. The huge power vacuum you create by relying totally on a State religion makes it impossible for any King to even protect you from the high priests behind the curtain who are always scheming.

As I stated before, Rome with low taxes and no State religion and many decentralized fiefdoms spread out over the empire, stood for 1000 years.

Yeah, that’s not true. It was not an empire for 1k years, was not low taxes for most of its empire period, and (I believe) had a state religion during empire. If you want to dispute this, we can start breaking out the sources.

My source is Martin Armstrong who knows more details about Rome and human history than any other man on earth. He even spent $10 million collecting silver coins so he could reconstruct the monetary history that no one else had. He was a former $2 trillion hedge fund manager for the Japanese Postal fund. After you have debated him, let us know the outcome.

Come on, man. Are you just skimming? “Rugged individualism didn’t settle America, communities of men did.” and “The NRA isn’t rugged or individualistic” is not “There are no rugged individuals remaining”.

Not all individuals are equally important. The rugged individuals such as my ancestor Isaac Shelby (yeah Shelby is my real name) were very rugged.

I do not value much that America of God-less suburban mayonnaise spread all over the land. You seem to value it and want to carry it as baggage on your shoulders.

Rugged individualism did not settle America? Americans in California were in danger of being eaten by wild animals when the crossed the mountains in Ojai to go to the beach. There were attacks by Indians out West and South.

It has gone downhill since we lost the Mormon War

If you don’t have your own land and can’t provide for yourselves economically, then need to confiscate the lands of others and involve in their local politics, then are not prepared to win a war with the extant settlers, then I suppose your tribe is inept. And apparently that ineptness has continued. And so you want me to tie my shoelaces together with yours to have a King to enslave us all. Haha.

Contrary to your assertion, it is true in Utah, where God is still strong, that “Communities and cooperation, at least among white men, is outlawed and the know-how almost lost.”

Sorry I can’t help you. You ostensibly depend on legacy instead of forging a new one compatible with the changing circumstances.

The Bundy’s (close enough to Utah) are the best example you have and they are still subject to the Federal and State gov that controls their lives in a thousand ways, unable to cooperate enough to become free and independent, declared or not.

The Bundys are not in the Knowledge Age economy. They depend on their vast lands for ranching. Thus yes their way of life is dying and vulnerable.

You completely missed my point, which is the part you didn’t quote. I’m not asserting whether or not it’s a correct interpretation of the 1st amendment. Why do we in America always concede that interpretation of the 1st amendment? Because we in America all think in terms the progressive state religion dictates, accepting what that state religion says is true or not. Do you know what we mean when we refer to the Cathedral?

I did not miss your point. You missed mine. I know what Jim means by the Cathedral.

I hope this response has helped you better understand that I do not want to be weakened by being dependent on a State religion which can be co-opted from far away. I do not want to tie my shoelaces together with men I do not know from far away and bicker in politics, hierarchies and bureaucracies with men I do not know.

Americans won’t fight because they belong to a religion that tells them not to fight the government. They don’t think of it as a religion, but it controls their beliefs and actions as much as it does for any Baptist. You also belong to it.

Many Americans do not realize that they are indoctrinated by a State religion of unseen priests. Do not equate me with them. I am not indoctrinated by any State religion.

I will fight for what makes sense, which is protecting my local fiefdom and those Christians who share my interpretation of the Bible. I will not fight to protect men far away who think that their antiquated way of life has to be coddled by a State relgion and their delusions about everything as I have explained it above.

You think I am a defector who is working against the glorious King, State religion and flag nirvana. Analogous to the situation wherein we can’t get leftards to view reality correctly, I also think you do not have a correct interpretation of reality as I have explained above.

Also, I don’t think armed rebellion would work yet. There’s no faith to unite us.

Agreed. That is another reason I want Trump to tread carefully with maintaining the illusion of the Constitution for as long as possible.

That is why I advocate building up fiefdoms now to be able to stand in support of future reasonable actions at the State level.

In the meantime, I am proactively trying to establish a bulkhead of my own accord (health willing which is a big problem I have now slowing me down). It’s not like I am going to fight against Trump if he has to usurp the Constitution because that time has come and he has no other reasonable option.

Perhaps one day in the future we could try to better understand each other if we could talk about this. I really don’t want to write moar.

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