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RE: End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

(continued from the parent post)

Bob wrote:

Why haven’t you fought?

Why did Trump not reveal his entire hand on the first day of office. The Art of War. The Art of the Deal. Rome was not built in one day.

I am fighting, just not haphazardly and stupidly.

Your claim is that the right to bear arms is essentially useless if we have not used it yet. And I think that is ludicrous. It is a Schelling point that if violated nationwide will bring about armed insurrection. Americans actually choose where to live based on the gun rights of the locale.

Also our gun rights provide us some ability to protect ourselves. Most States (even CA) have the principle that if you shoot someone inside your home that this is justified. Whereas most other countries in the world do not have this and the shooter is presumed to be guilty if he can not prove the invader was sufficiently threatening. Also the pretext of gun rights gives us some cover for having dissembled parts of military grade weapons lying around for the time when they become necessary.

Essentially you want to stop the slide to the Left and the State religion. And you think that if the guns have not been useful for that, then they are essentially useless. I think that this is our fault for being too lazy to procreate intensively and institute the necessary Christian soft power in our homes and rural communities.

Reactionaries say (I think) it’s because the warriors lack cohesion because our priests hate Americans.


Your answer is to just network and not rely on priests, which is saying to just ignore the problem without fixing it.

No I am suggesting to institute local priests. Stop sacrificing your children on Moloch’s altar by giving the outside priests access.

How do you propose Americans network to resist when Americans believe they shouldn’t resist?

Those so called “Americans” are useless. They can’t be recovered because they were sacrificed in their youth to the high priests.

Bundy’s clan still pays federal taxes. Some also went to prison. They won a small battle, but haven’t successfully resisted, ie prevented the other thousand ways they are tyrannized.

Bundy’s clan is ostensibly low tech, presumably does not know how to structure income as capital gains or gifts.

Remember the Jesus said to give to Caesar what is his and render to God what is God’s. Thus when doing transactions with the useless fodder of the nation, charge higher prices and pass it along to the Feds. When transacting with your brethren use an anonymous cryptocurrency. Obviously procreating and networking is necessary to grow the prospective economy among those who are awake.

Everyone needs a state religion. In any representative gov, the people influence the government, but are influenced by any cohesive group of priests who can convince large groups of people. Who plays that role in the US?

Only obedient slaves who are so pathetic and incapable of fighting their way out of a wet brown paper bag need that enslavement system. Grow a backbone and become proactive.

If you expect it to be easy, you’ve already lost the battle.

The USA is the last stand for mankind.

The US is the main force in the world for homosexuality, degeneracy, feminism, and the Left in general.

Don’t conflate cities with rural Christian America. You could write that about Sydney also with their gay parade.

If any fiefdom is sane, it won’t let other fiefdoms send their people to colonize them. How are your fiefdoms different from monarchy if the dissenters have nowhere to go?

Dissenters inside the fiefdom can leave for any other place if they do not agree with the rules. Dissenters of the USA State religion can form their own fiefdom or join one when they exist.

The key distinction I envision from a State-wide monarchy is that there are more degrees-of-freedom and thus in theory greater resiliency. The possible threats include the State and the smaller size of each fiefdom. Fiefdoms need to ally with each other and the only way to do that is to have a common religion and that religion has to be in the truest way believed by the constituents. So hierarchies and bureaucracy (i.e. corruption) have to kept out of the religious sphere. Note fiefdoms should also kick subversive people out. No land should be sold within fiefdoms. It is owned by the owner of the fiefdom. If you do not like, then leave. Find a fiefdom owner you agree with.

Note if a monarchy would be compatible with such fiefdoms then I would support it, but nation-state scale monarchies are essentially the same crappy outcome as democracy. And that is the key distinction. Monarchy is not stable on the scale that cities have become. Monarchies worked better at smaller scales.

In short, I believe we have to continuously fight large collectives regardless of any direction we choose. Unfortunately, this is the plight of the human existence on Earth.

How is that any easier than finding a king who isn’t nuts?

  1. Because you are not just finding a King. You may wish it was that simple but there’s a bureaucracy also being selected, and not just selected by the King. The King will be put in difficult situations by the priests and banksters. The King can not possibly maintain complete control. Never has happened sustainably and never will. Flies in the face of the understanding of physics.

  2. Because we are choosing within our Dunbar limit. And small things scale better and are easier to manage. Saplings grow to oak trees but old oak trees do not grow to the moon. Fiefdoms can experience creative destruction where some die and new ones are born.

I’ve already proposed a reason why that is a problem and how to solve it.

I must have missed that.

I believe we do not put enough effort into local church and education.

That is as vague as saying, To fix obesity, the obese need to put work on their health.

I have added some more explicit requirements in this response. No hierarchies and bureaucracies in the church and education system. Teach the males what I have been writing so they will understand what is at stake. Kick males out who do not get it. Prune the herd often. As for the mechanics of how this can be accomplished, I am not willing to talk about it publicly at this time.

There is no [reasonable] way for a State to prune the herd. Only small fiefdoms can do this.

“Nobody is prepared” is a symptom. Using the Bundy’s as an example of cohesion is using the least sick patient in the hospital as an example of health. When their ranch declares independence and is more autonomous than an Indian res, we can talk about them.

Don’t necessarily declare anything. Just be independent. I can not stress enough the importance of the soft power on the youth. If your soft power is weak, then you’re weak regardless of State monarchy or not. Because all large systems will be riddled with hierarchies and bureaucratic corruption of the the spirit of the word. The youth can’t connect in their heart with proclamations coming from some boring priests in a robe who is benefiting from some hierarchical status that they do not respect nor identify with. The soft power needs fathers to be involved. You can not just write a check for school and expect your kids to turn out emotionally invested in the community.

Monarchies have had hundred year runs of success, like after the Restoration. Democracies have not. America didn’t last 80 years. Tocqueville predicted it in America in 1840.

As I stated before, Rome with low taxes and no State religion and many decentralized fiefdoms spread out over the empire, stood for 1000 years. Whatever form of Empire government we will have, we need to disintermediate much of its power so that it can be sustained 1000 years. The more power the large scale government has, the faster it will destroy itself.

As you have noted, the US government’s self-destruction has accelerated since government has gained power in the 20th century (from ~10% to 50+% of the GDP if including the costs of regulation). This coincided with voting rights for women and blacks, the Unconstitutional income tax, etc..

The rural and rugged tilt is the cultural soft power that still helps us fight vehemently for our gun rights. The NRA is the most powerful lobby in WA D.C..

The NRA is neither rugged nor individualistic. Its members are rarely rugged and by organizing as a group, aren’t relying on individualism. It also is not fighting for our gun rights.

It’s not a perfect situation. But you paint it as though there are no rugged individualists remaining who benefit from the reprieves we have which provides a window of opportunity to do better.

Because we raise our kids with too many conveniences. Too urban. No experience farming. Etc..

Bro, I live in Utah. See my comments arguing with The Cominator to verify, from earlier entries. Utah is only a few decades behind everywhere else, at most. The birth rate is at replacement, which is indicative of feminism, which means broken communities and no male cooperation. I helped my elderly neighbor move some of his stuff with his sons and grandsons. Helping grandpa is great, but it’s not enough.

Yeah I know it has gone downhill since I was there in 2003. Seems so many allowed their daughters to go to the priests universities for example. That is a quick way to undermine everything.

But the polygamist Mormons dressed their women in those stupid old dresses and did not really offer a very compelling or warrior type of upbringing for their sons. Why would boys be motivated for such ugly women. I am talking about raising every boy to be warrior. I mean shooting and militia drills from a very early age. Not abandoning science and engineering though. I did all in my youth. Sports, academics, inventions, hunting, hiking mountains, etc..

We gave up control of education and the church because we were so afraid of breaking a separation between church and state, an idea imposed on us by the media/academic religion. If we assert our values in schools, we are pressured to back down because “the 1st amendment”, which we always concede to. We can’t assert our values in our churches because we sent our clergy to schools in which we no longer asserted our values.

A separation of State and religion is not a separation of community and religion! Wrong interpretation. Yeah the Americans are fucked up with that misinterpretation. I am here suggesting we need to change that pronto.

Cheers bro.

Jim I will refrain from commenting further on your blog for a while, because I don’t want to be accused of spamming your blog. Also this is quickly spinning out of control into too much verbiage. I will be available to respond to any questions directed to me.

My follow-up:

Jim & Bob, I’ve read your responses. I have some incisive points to respond with, but I must go to the gym first.

I hope I can wrap up my side of the discussion with my next post. Then you all can have the last word.

Bob, I need to correct some misinterpretations you have of my position. For example, your allegation that I am not willing to fight the corrupt influence of the State. My key point is that if you depend on a State religion in order to fight, then you’re pathetic. Both you and Jim think the State is omnipotent and you w(h)or(e)ship the Great Harlot State.

My hopefully last detailed follow-up:

The Cominator wrote:

The reason why the Orthodox Church is resilient is its basic ancient doctrines are international and very very hard for anyone to change but matters of church discipline otoh are COMPLETELY national. That is what we want for the state church.

That seems to work reasonably well for smaller (e.g. E. European) nations (not superpowers) that are somewhat backward and still stuck in the agricultural and industrial ages. But to scale to the Knowledge Age wherein nation-states will be disintemediating by a world government, then I argue we need to move the control of the religion into fiefdoms of smaller size. Justification follows...


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