Steemit Poets United: Poetry Contest (Suggestions & Feedback Required)

in #poetsunited6 years ago (edited)


Steemit Poets United - Poetry Contest Ideas

Steemit Poets United is planning to organise weekly contest! @angelveselinov and I have been thinking of ideas that would make a cool poetry contest that YOU would like to enter! So, what a better idea than let YOU choose the format of the contest.

We have prepared five ideas which can be made into contests. We would like to hear which ones you would be interested in and why. Tell us in the comments below or on Discord. Other feedback and suggestions are also accepted.

Option A - Poetry Prompt

The prompt for the contest is a stanza/poem/quote.

e.g. Write a poem inspired by the following stanza:

"For you,
I have walked barefoot
in the scorching sands
of a vast desert."

In order to promote our community's poetry, we could use quotes/stanzas/poems that are submitted by our poets; or chosen specifically from the Best Poems of the Week.

Option B - Mix 'n Match

FuneralPic 1"brick"
UnderwaterPic 2"fire"
ExhaustedPic 3"dance"

The rules would be to select one theme, one picture and one word from the table. The poem then needs to be written on the theme chosen, inspired by the picture, as well as including the word or a derivation of it.

E.g. From the above table, I could write about a funeral, inspired by pic 3 and use the word "dancing".

The Mix 'n Match is flexible. We can update the table to have just a theme and a picture, or two words, etc. Suggestions are welcome.

Option C - Picture Trail

In the picture trial, participants have to search for three drawings/pictures in different posts on Steemit. Then, they have to write a poem inspired by the three chosen pictures.

The pictures have to be linked (not attached - unless granted permission by the artist). That way, we can go to the original post and see the pictures used.

Option D - Recreators!

Participants will have to link to a poem which they have written in the past. Then, they would have to recreate a new poem that is inspired by that old poem. It has to show either a big change or else it needs to be a new poem with a similar theme/story. This idea is simple: we can always learn from our past. Additionally, there are more ways to express the same thing.

Option E - Artist Collaboration

In this option, the poet will write a poem within a deadline (7 days). When the link is posted, they have to tag an artist(photographer, any kind of visual artist) that they have already agreed to work with. That artist will have 7 days to submit visual art that reflects the poem. Both the artist and the poet would be the winners and share a prize. This encourages collaboration and communication with other steemians.

Give us Feedback

As I said earlier, we would appreciate if you could give us feedback. Tell us which you would be interested in joining, why, and what would you change! We will select the most popular option, so make your voice heard! We want to have contests that more people would be willing to join; so no matter if you're new to Steemit Poets United or you're just a tiny minnow, your voice counts!

Thank you @hoschitrooper for designing this banner

Join the Steemit Poets United on Discord

Designed by @mental-extract

I like option E because I follow a lot of photographers, since I like to take pictures myself. It also fosters communication with other artists.

your feedback has been noted! Thank you :D

My best option is Option B. And second best, option A. Can't wait 💪

Thank you for your feedback! It's much appreciated :)

I like all of the above. If I need to choose, my first three choices would be D, A, B.

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you liked multiple ones :D

I love option A the most but I also like option D

I like both of them too! Thank you for your opinion :)

Option D.
There is a lot in our past, that needs the spotlight.
Don't you think so?

Especially when someone has been writing for a number of years! Maybe it's not as appealing to new poets, but I definitely love the idea, hence why I put it down.

I like option B and E. Here's an original piece. Do I have what it takes?

Thank you for the feedback! I'll take a look :)

Thanks again

All the options seem great... But I really prefer A... but option D is also awesome because it will revive the inspiration behind Older poems ... Can't wait for this contest to start

thanks for sharing your preferences! We'll try to start as soon as possible - first we'll give a chance for everyone to see this and share their opinion :D

"A" sounds like fun... Can't wait

Thank you your input!

OOOOOHHHH I like all of these prompt ideas! Any way it could be a different one each week?

I understand what you mean, but alternating between five different ideas doesn't seem to be that good of an idea. Especially with the least popular ideas. We would like participation to be active and high throughout, and not feel like you have to skip a week because the idea isn't that motivating. If there are two or three options that are well-voted, I would consider alternating between them, but preferably only two max. We will see depending on the final outcome.

hah yes I see your point. Ok, my top three are: B, C, and E, in that order ;)

noted the preference :)

Wow, did you come up with these ideas yourself? I like all of them, but the ones I would most likely enter are Option A, B, and D. Option A kind of gives poets double exposure and I’m often encouraged and inspired by other poets. Option B is just so creative and gives me much more elbow room for inspiration than just a single prompt. Option D allows inspiration from my own poetry and challenges me to grow.

Me and @angelveselinov came up with all these ideas, brainstorming for a week or two. I really appreciate your input!

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