in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

This poem was birthed from another night battling sleep. I had a rough day yesterday and I couldn't post, comment or chat. Finally fixed the dumb phone in the evening. I tried to sleep but woke up by 12:30 to meet Shadowspub curation show on Steemit Ramble discord server still jamming. After typing my entry because my mic wasn't working, I sped to whaleshares server to listen to Freedomexist run his show. I met the show almost at the end. As Freedomexist was rounding up, I started writing. I got chatting with a beautiful charming damsel, and the post lingered until now. Well enjoy, if you can. I am going to sleep.

Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash.


Did I tell you
That the world ended,
That the trumpet sounded,
And the promised saviour came?
Did I tell you that he was dressed
In blood and stank of rot and decay?
Did I tell you that he laid his hands
On the earth and stole her breath,
That he breathed on the living
And stole their life?
Did I tell you

He forgave the poor and blessed the rich,
Cursed the sinners and raised the saints?

Who is
this beast,
That rises
the sea,
Dressed tears, stained with ashes and dust?
Who is this broken thing, fat with sacrifices
And incense,
With prayers,
With pain,
With fire,
Gorged with flesh?

Did I tell you
That the earth
broke at his feet,
That he choked
the wind,
And bowed the
That he raped the volcanoes
their sour breath
And fed the
whirlpools with sand?
I tell you
Of the screams , the pleas,
The bees
fleeing the hive;
A new swarm,
a new plague ;
One of seven?

Did I tell you of the promised saviour who came
In my dream, dressed in darkness, shodded
In bleeding feet, spewing curses at the empty horizon,
Calling for father, bringing thunder? I did not?
He came, the saviour, the beast and
He fed me flesh; The crushed throat
Of an unholy song.
He fed me blood;
The weeping wail
Of a broken chord.
He came,
My saviour,
My lord,
My god

But his salvation was pain,
His freedom was death.

©warpedpoetic, 2018.

We can get together at any of the servers below, just by clicking on the banners.



Hi @warpedpoetic,

I really love the entirety of this poem! Often when I comment on a poem I will pick out my favorite images and elaborate on why I like them so much but I find it difficult to do that here as it flows and works so well in its totality.

The theme of this poem is one that is close to my mind always, and I think it is brave for you to express, so eloquently, on steemit as there are many religious peeps who might take offense. But this is the beauty of steemit to me, the free-flow exchange of ideals and thoughts which can't be censored. The ambivalence I feel towards organised religion resonated strongly as I read this poem and I hope that I have interpreted it right. For me it expresses the dark underbelly of religon through history, the wars perpetrated in the name of whatever gods. The strife and division created through competing schisms of what, when you come down to the core values, are very similar belief systems. The unending exploitation of the poor and in poverty by both political and religious entities, often working hand in hand. What is so frustrating is that in most cases, religious people just getting on with their lives, worshiping in peace and following their value systems have nothing to do with this power dynamic. They are just good people living by a decent set of values.

Ha ha, anyway that was a bit of a rant. I am running a regular curation segment on the Whaleshares discord server on Monday evenings called literature corner. I wondered if you would be available to chat on a live curation discussion on Monday 21st May. This post will be awarded a 30 Whaleshares vote on the night, as well as the vote of some of the curators. It would be great if you have a microphone maybe to this poem and perhaps to answer some questions about your influences/inspirations etc. I read this poem out to myself just now and will be happy to read it out myself if you're not keen on doing so.

The event will be held in The Curation Lounge on the Whaleshares server.


You have indeed read the core of my writing. I think every dark poetry or prose that I have written stems from my dissatisfaction with religion, with the options for man, with death and afterlife, with sin. Yet I am a Christian but not in the sense of a zealot blindly imbibing everything my pastor says. I have seen too much of the harm blind belief causes.

What is so frustrating is that in most cases, religious people just getting on with their lives, worshiping in peace and following their value systems have nothing to do with this power dynamic. They are just good people living by a decent set of values.

Exactly @raj808, they just want to worship in peace, serve God the best way they know how to but so called religious leaders hungry for power will not let them be.

I will be honoured to be on the show. I didn't know about it and I am excited to have finally found it. I will be there every time henceforth as long as my internet service is of good behavior.

I might read it, I am quite shy, so it's a maybe. I will try though. I have read at evecab's show on promo-mentors , so...

Thank you for your lovely comment. I don't know if you observed the images I tried to create with the words?

Yes, I agree that it is often the leaders and the scent of power that sickens their spirit, that ruin things and corrupts religion to serve politics. I am not surprised to hear that you are a christian, I was unsure, or surprised that you would express these iniquities so well coming from a place of knowledge within the faith. I am atheist but this in now way blinds me to all the good that most religious folks perpetuate in the world through charity and love.

That is fantastic that you will read the poem out yourself @warpedpoetic, a poem is always better read out in the poets voice. I will DM you on discord nearer to the time but I am happy you excepted. Here is a poster image for the show just so that you can see the times it is on etc.


Thanks man. I think in my own case I have too much doubt about where I am going and what I need to do. I see so much pain and it makes me question everything. I believe in God but my belief is personal, not based on any certain doctrine.

I will do my best in the reading. I better get to rehearsing... 😂
I will use a time converter to get the times in GMT. Thank you @raj808

Awesome! You always deliver great poetry! May your ink never run dry 👍👍👍

Thanks man. I appreciate

Wow, that was pretty intense. I was struggling with sleeping last night too, but lucky I was finally able to get some. It was annoying, but nothing that would have made me feel like your poem. I like how raw and deep it is. It did not go where I was expecting it to go either, so that was a surprise :)

Yeah, it surprised me too. I had gotten to that fork and I had already decided on how to end it but I read it from the top and realised that I could not bring hope in to spend much pain and fear. It was logical for death to be the end.

I am glad your like what insomnia birthed @bozz. I have been sleeping off and on all day since.

Great! Sleep is very important! It's one of my most favorite things!

I always wish I can become a celebrity poet, but talents are being shared differently...
Nice one @warpedpoetic, I see u like a god of poetry...
Keep it up...

😂 thanks @ilukzymoore for the support man.

I don't know if I am good enough to be a celebrity poet though or even a demigod of poetry but thank you.

That was a wonderful poetry and also the presentation.
Picture look so suspense and eye catching!

I've also seen some new discord servers that will help us all to grow together

glad I opened your link.
Followed you also!

Thanks and looking forward to read more of your posts!

You are welcome. Thank you for your kind words. Do come again.

So, there are two shows, Steemit Ramble and Whaleshares? Are they on once a week, or in which time intervals.

Steemit ramble is on Thursdays. They do Pimp Your Post Thursdays. It is done twice on Thursdays; one by 3pm GMT+1 and the other by 11pm GMT+1 and you can bring as many active posts as time will allow. It is hosted by @shadowspub.

Whaleshares do their shows on Sundays by 12pm GMT +1 and on Thursdays by the same time too. The show is hosted by @freedomexist. Because of the number of people who show up, you allowed to present only one post.

This is the server link for Steemit Ramble:https://discord.gg/fgCsXYu

Whaleshares: https://discord.gg/h5Q5SEz

Yeah bro you took note of it. That was a poem within the poem. Lol, that was good , right? @dante31

Upvoted from the whaleshares curation show!

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