our dear portuguese language...

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Inspired by this community, yet again :) Saw some interesting readings
("I'm going to say this twice: everysteemian is obliged to create their own language! [inspiration by @battleax]" by @mindhunter)

Before that a status update:

we all know we could spend all day dedicated to Steemit, easily, creating content and understanding tons of cool stuff ...
but as i need to eat everyday and pay my bills and rent,
in a house with a garden to take care, in a small village near beautiful green mountains,
and May sunny, sunny, pleasant (also chemtrailed) weather in Portugal...

... to be alive, truly be alive, is to endure this world creatively: to create more drawings, more wallets, more custom orders and experiment new ideas, like necklaces made out of sewing waste, with a twist in it, like a statement, or ironic design or even hand painted...

even so, my daily routine is often taken by quick sneak peaks at Steemit's just to see what you guys are up to :)
So, in this late evening, I decided to share something very dear to me i wrote with my true voice, Portuguese.

This is an old prosaic poem I wrote some time ago... i don't know how to translate it without somehow missing its purpose and imagery. I'll try to translate it when i get the chance but it's going to be a very delicate work :)

balanço-me passeando pelos meus dedos, encosto-me no polido das cascatas do meu cristalino e finjo que sei quem sou e onde estou

as coragens buscam sós, sombras.
soltam-se das minhas mãos.


tudo se abre aos pés da cidade:
os candeeiros,
as gentes,
as corridas,
o desespero
as vozes que me chamam
e mais moléstia
e fumo… um golpe de ar,
e mais uma rua de pedras e cascalho.
a água dos esgotos vai-me devorando a pele aos poucos…
e parece que o desgosto do mundo me deitou aqui,
e se esqueceu de mim.
sem que nada mais me possa socorrer...
vejo um triste muro cinzento,
sei que tenho menos uma casa.

e nada me ocorre mais senão deixar passar o tempo
e deixar os vultos correrem,
sem nexo, sem sucessão… sem vida.

The drawing is another moment in time, a sneak peak inside.
Hope you enjoy! If you do, show your love and appreciation by reesteeming, commenting and voting. That's how we artists can thrive :)
Other previous works:
n. º 15
n. º 14
n.º 13
n. º 12
n.º 11
n.º 10
n.º 9
n.º 8
n.º 7
n.º 6
n.º 5
n.º 4
n.º 3
n.º 2
n.º 1


Also, I would like to invite you to visit our small ETSY shop, it's how we make a living and if you're interested in a custom piece we'll be happy to help you. https://unusualmakers.etsy.com

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