Angle III - original poetry

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

The crow is important. (This morning
I woke thinking of you – the girl, the woman.)
The crow is everywhere, in some still cold
birch forest, miles and miles if measured out.

Further desire – can we know the difference?
Calculate distance, argue, follow through.
But if there is no conclusion – the fear
again : an old-fashion’d sigh. To Newent!

One of the rituals was to look west
over the Severn to distant May Hill
on the horizon. We’d visit Newent
for the doctor and local shops. Later,

       who watched from the oak trees, the next field, when
       a Lammergeier performed in display?


Angle I
Angle II
Angle IV

The poem is my own and my wife took the photo. Thank you for reading. @richardjuckes


Nice, How did you learn to write poem?

Reading a lot, and then writing a lot, and then some work and some don't. I glad you liked this one.

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