"Good Men" (poem)

in #poetry7 years ago

The very idea of Maleness is taking quite a beating these days. Indeed, if one were to listen to the Intersectionality crowd, one would believe that being a straight, white male is the cause of most, if not all, of the world's problems. Whether intellectual insight or ideological insanity, I'll leave to you to decide for yourself. 

But as for me: a straight, white male - I believe it's nonsense. In 50 years and 57 countries, I've yet to be invited to join an Old Boy's Club so that I could advance without having to fight for every inch – and my body is covered with scars as proof of the assertion. Are there horrible guys out there? Of course, just as there are horrible women. White, black, straight, gay? Your demographics don't determine your disposition.  

But most of the guys I've run into are pretty regular Joe's, minding their own business and just trying to get by. The best of them are good friends, husbands and fathers. They are ... Good Men. They tend to err on the side of selflessness, sacrificing their own needs, including their health, to provide for their friends and family. They work hard and, too often, die young.  

This year, with both the Super Bowl and the Olympics compressed into two weeks, the viewing public has been, and will be, saturated with multi-million-dollar commercials celebrating the sacrifice and commitment of mothers. No one I know has a problem with this. But where are the commercials about the Dads?  

So, for all the blokes who've made Being a Good Guy their raison d'etre, this poem's for you.   



I've sadly noticed this in our society and do not believe it to be true either. I hope to see the end of this trend soon.

Have I ever been treated badly by a guy? Sure. Did I blame all men for it? No. Did I stay around and take it? No.

Not all men are bad because of the actions of a few. And you can't blame anyone but yourself if you keep putting up with being poorly treated.

Had I let those few men cloud my judgement, I may have missed out on the wonderful husband that I have.

Steps off of soap box



Thatta girl. You can right back on that soap box anytime you like. Sometimes you have to sift through the chaff.

Today I heard the same question from one of my friends: "what about the dads?". I agreed, dads should be honoured too.


Did you get my message about using your poetry prompt for the PoetsUnited contest?

I did. I was flattered you chose mine as a prompt. Did you post the poem? I could not see it on Poetsunited nor your blog page.


Not yet. I'm better at writing Ballad Meter than figuring out how to post it properly. :-)

If history is any indicator, I will screw this up. @poetrybyjeremy and @old-guy-photos have been cleaning up my messes ... but wouldn't you know it, I got cocky and challenged the former to a "throw-down" ... before getting him to walk me through all the posting criteria!

Worse than a "Bad Plan is No Plan. Worse than No Plan, is Two." I now have about four.

You are doing good buddy!

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