Inertia (Original Haiku)

in #poetry6 years ago

When you just have to get away...
image source: Pixabay


Motivating myself
overcoming inertia
I must step away


a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged:
"the bureaucratic inertia of government"
synonyms: inactivity · inaction · inertness · unchanged state · stationary condition · [more]
a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. See also moment of inertia.
resistance to change in some other physical property:
Source: Bing, powered by Oxford Dictionaries

Sometimes, in order to make a change to your current situation, you have to take drastic measures. As of late, I have been spending a bit too much time on the computer without much to show for my effort. I think it's time to step away from that current trend and focus a bit more on physical health. Doing so will also allow me to make more efficient use of my time both on Steemit and the interwebz in general. How do you guys handle time and vices in your daily lives?

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it is no doubt difficult to assiduously work without a commensurate reward for it. I stii believe that you still have to continue with it. Consistency is the key and with patience, you will find the rhythm

I totally agree with you. I have been trying to stay consistent as of late. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

It's quite a thought-provoking haiku. Comparing your daily routine/life to inertia makes it seem like there is no effort, no change - something almost comfortable (not necessarily). Motivation is like an engine to direct us better towards our goals.

I definitely do not spend time that efficiently - however I started doing a routine to try to balance things out. At least three times a week some physical exercise! Each morning I have to create a somewhat flexible schedule, to see which tasks I will complete on that day. I do spend a lot of time on the computer, but I do try to be productive (Steemit is quite a productive experience, in my opinion) - unless I have no bandwidth!

I wish there was a way to gift bandwidth. I think having a routine is good, and kind of goes with the idea of inertia. Once you have some level of momentum, it's easier to maintain it. Thank you for reading and for the great comment.

Actually, there is a way to 'gift' bandwidth, or rather, delegate. Luckily, I entered a delegation contest and I got delegated 100SP, sufficient to be able to respond to this comment! Some witnesses/whales have spare SP to delegate to others <3

And yes, I agree once again. Routine is good. re-reading my comment I am not sure if I contradicted myself.

I think this is a borderline haiku. The split to the last line might be just barely enough, but it feels too much like it's repeating the first line, and still too close to the second.

I don't feel there's enough of a movement in this haiku, that in so doing it is slightly betraying what haikus can do.

I do think doing more physically is great. I have to start doing so myself.

In actuality, it's not a haiku at all. In truth, I hardly ever write haiku. I find it easier to reference it as such, but, as with this piece, I typically have no intention of following the strict rules associated with haiku vs the more free 5-7-5 style of senryu. Your critique, while observant, is not entirely applicable. That being said, I can understand your perspective on movement. I'll take that into consideration next time. Thanks for the comment.

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Sweet. Thanks.

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