I’ve been giving @karenb54 a hand with her rhyming competition!

in #poetry6 years ago

After being a runner up in one of Karen’s contests, and getting a win in another, last week I helped out as a guest judge and this week I judged it on my own. This week her words were: Power, Tree, Date, Mutate.


Here are the finalists. My decision will be posted by her in a few hours, so look out for it. But in the meantime, here’s a wee poem about my experiences.

You know that now I’m 60,
All my bits are old,
Sift, he sometimes tells me
I don’t hear what I’m told.

When Karen asked if I could judge
Her latest Power Tree contest,
“Electricity confuses me”
I openly confessed.

But then, in my head,
The words they did mutate,
I understood I was to judge
Poetry, on this date!

I browsed through the entries,
What a daunting task!
“Which ones do I react to?”
Is the question that I ask.

Some of them are funny
Some of them are sad
How can I compare them,
And decide if some are bad?

I’ve made my last decision,
For better or for worse.
And now I’ll duck my head
In case you fling at me a curse!

To all the worthy entrants,
The winners, and the rest,
I thank you for your good work,
And hope that you are blessed.


And just for fun, here are my previous entries:

Words for week 1: TRICK, BRICK. FLOWER, DANCE

There was a young lady from France
And oh how she loved to dance
Her cleverest trick
Was to dance on a brick
And waving a flower, she’d prance.


Words for week 2: BLOG, FOG, COFFEE, DREAM

I am a chocolate addict
I confess it on my blog
Without my daily chocolate hit
My brain would be a fog

I never have liked coffee
I never have liked tea
If I want a comfort drink
Hot chocolate is for me

I love the smell of coffee
To wake me from a dream
But the only way I'll taste it
Is in a coffee cream!


Thanks for reading

Pictures from Pixabay unless otherwise stated.

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Oh thats great initiative. Love your effort.
And i loved your words for the 2nd week.

This sounds great @kiwideb. I understand completely. It was a lot of fun to read and a spirit of freedom and joy to go along with it. I have to check out @karenb54's contest.

You know, I've spent nearly all my working life being busy, busy, busy. Though who isn't these days? It's time now to be more about what I am rather than what I do. And I couldn't aim for anything better than freedom, fun and joy !

I'm following the free and fun @kiwideb. I'm glad for this and hope great joy for you continually.

@kiwideb is a poet, did you know it. Rhyming is good timing.

I'm always a bit of sucker for a poem with good rhyming and good timing. I guess I'm old school. But I did put that bias aside while I judged!

hi kiwideb you are superb in describing your feelings in poetry.beautiful words

Thanks @biyanoor. Hope all is well with you.

yeah i am fine dear ,How are you and family

Love it and thank you :)

You're most welcome :-)

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