POEM: Shifting the Heavy to Gratitude

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes the best way through a wave of emotion is to write it out, translating the feeling to words and trapping it in a poem. Logic also helps...

I’ve been going through dog withdrawal today. It’s been two years since I had to give up my last one, and though he’s in a great home that meets his needs way better than I could, I still miss having a dog.

Thank you for the video, @rhondak! Your dogs are beautiful.

Rhonda showed me pictures of her Anatolian Shepherd—Anatolians are big, beautiful, fiercely loyal dogs. I wrote this breed into one of my manuscripts, and have dreamed about having one of my own.

I mean, look at that face!

Anatolian Shepherd
This is @rhondak’s photo of her 110lb sweetheart, who you definitely wouldn’t want to mess with.

Ah, the fun of having a big dog to adventure with… I miss hours of hiking in the bush, outside in nature every day without fail, going at my own pace, my hound and his big booming voice ready to scare off any threats that might come.

I have a whole slew of reasons why having a dog does not fit in my life right now. Let me list them here, just in case I forget and try to rationalize getting a pooch:

  • I’m a full-time mom to twin four year old boys.
  • Getting said boys to go outside is a struggle, every time.
  • I barely have enough time to take care of myself.
  • I would have less time to write and play music if I had to devote time to a dog every day.
  • Dogs cost money I don’t have to spend right now.
  • I want to travel. A LOT.

I could go on, but these are the main reasons I keep reminding myself.

The good thing is that writing this out helps to get me past the yearning and into a place where I’m okay with my life, rather than wishing things were different. I do the dishes, take care of the daily needs of my family, get on with the day to move the sadness out.

Thank goodness for writing. Here, have a poem.


Shifting the Heavy

Grief strips away in layers
Loneliness never really leaves
She only takes brief respites
In the relentlessness of life

Yes, it’s good to sit with myself
To be okay on my own
But I long for companionship
That cannot be mine, not now

Bittersweet waves bite gently
I soothe myself with reason
But my mind doesn’t shift
The heavy in my heart

So I’ll breathe, and be
And remind myself over again
To be grateful for what I have
And be happy where I am


Life can be relentless, and it can be easy to wish things were different, but, like @natureofbeing was talking about recently, there’s an art to being grateful for what you have.

I do not need the responsibility of a dog right now, I need as much freedom as I can get. So I’ll live vicariously through those who have pups, write them into my stories, and look forward to the day when my lifestyle adapts to a place where I can once again have my own canine companion.

Until then, I’ll be grateful for my life, just as it is.

And enjoy my Toby cat, of course.

toby cat


Thanks for reading.

I’ll be donating the proceeds of this post to @tarc to help feed the dogs that @rhondak rescues.

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
Photos mine unless otherwise credited.

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steem.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

alliance banner


Aaaah, I hear you.

--- ((( - - (( - ( -- Thank you. -- ) - )) - - ))) ---

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Thanks for being awesome! ;)

<3 Yes - don't add limitations to your life! Choose you! <3

YES!!!!!!!!!!! (exclamation marks to infinity)

there's no friend quite like a dog (of course cat friends have their unique and equally lovable charms as well!!) and I empathize with your feelings. I was without a dog for 4 years in between the 2 dogs of my life and every single day I still continued to take our daily walks that my first girl Daisy trained me to take and I thought about her without fail every time.

Aw, so sweet! Thanks for the pretty picture. I miss my walks. I need to move, and at my own pace, which is tough with kids, but they're getting there. We've gone on three forest walks this week, at impressive speed for 4yo boys, and I know at some point I'll be trying to keep up to them. Hopefully at some point they'll learn how to stop talking for lengths of time. They ask me so many questions, I don't have time to sing to the forest, or I'll be singing and they interrupt me. lol!


I wish I had a friend's dog to borrow, to help herd the kids and run bush patrol on the trail. At the same time, a dog is one more thing to watch over, and at this point I've got all I can handle. So I sing, and we make so much noise I think any animal within hearing distance is going to skidaddle. ;)

Yes wise to wait on taking on another living thing to care for - just too taxing - although I understand your canine deprivation :-))

Ooftanaders. Lovin the doggies but that poem is...it's great, just kind of sad. Much love Princess.🤗🐧

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I miss having my dog, :( I long for it, same with my ratties and I too have to wait, it's not the right time and place and I must be responsible :(
Keep it as a goal in your heart... I know my life will be blessed with soft paws again

I have had many pets in my life, but it would never be the same without my dogs..... but the hardest part is when we lose them and this makes me ponder whether or not I will have more when my last one leaves us.

As I age, and while it is not a reason to not replace, I worry if something happened to me, what would become of my dog, and this scares me. Of course , it is not a reason to not replace,but it is how I feel, and that makes the difference to me.

Having said all that, I totally understand your reasons and admire you for them, it is a sign of your unselfishness to both family and pet, and yourself.

Thanks for sharing.

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