
in #poetry5 years ago


I write poems
That won’t endure
The anger of a page
Left bare,

Or silence
That shouts its truth
At night
Without your being there.

I hate ghosts
And summer shadows
Over roads
Opaque as glass,

Dark skies
And storms
Severing lines,
That prolong a dark impasse.

Nothing prepared me
For this austerity—
To deny myself
And hide my need;

There’s a lie
That gives life,
And lamentably, a lie
Meant to deceive;

And then there’s my lie
Of false hope,
Spawned simply
So I can breathe…

In myths and dreams
I fan my needs
With sparks
That kindle love,

And struggle nights
To understand
The hidden plans of God.

© 2020, John J Geddes. All rights reserved



I have struggled all my life, and the struggle continues, to understand those hidden plans...

On rare occasions, I seem to get a tiny glimpse.



Jas 1:5 - My mentor repeated this verse so many times I thought I would scream. Problem is I wanted directions :)

Thank you, John... Music to my ears and water to my parched soul... :D

And, for the benefit of those who may later come across this interchange:

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."

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