Procrastination A killer of destiny

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


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Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent and more enjoyable/easier activities instead. It can also be seen as postponing of relevant activities for sometime in the future which might not happen.

How to Overcome Procrastination

Every habit that one possess can be changed either for good or for bad. Since it is a habit, it is possible to overcome. The below steps shows how to deal with and prevent procrastination.

1. Recognize That You're Procrastinating

You putting off a task because you've had to re-prioritize your workload is not necessarily procrastinating. If you're briefly delaying an important task for a genuinely good reason, then you aren't procrastinating.
Unfortunately, if you start to put things off indefinitely or switch focus because you want to avoid doing something, then you probably around procrastinating.image
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2. Sought out the reason for the Procrastination

Understanding why you procrastinate Is needed before it can be tackled.
For instance, are you avoiding a particular task because you find it unpleasant and boring? If so, take time to get it out of the way quickly, so that you can focus on the aspects of your work that you find more enjoyable.

Poor organization can lead to procrastination. Make prioritized To-Do Lists and create effective schedules. This will help you to organize your tasks by priority and deadline.

Poor decision-making is also another cause of procrastination. If you find it hard deciding on what to do, you'll likely put off taking action in case you do the wrong thing.

3. Adopt strategies to combat procrastination

  • Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past.
  • Focus on doing, not avoiding.
  • Ask someone to check up on you.
  • Promise yourself a reward: If you complete a difficult task on time, reward yourself with a treat, such as a slice of cake or a coffee from your favorite coffee shop.
  • Minimize distractions
  • Get those tasks that you find least pleasant out of the way early. This will give you the rest of the day to concentrate on work that you find more enjoyable.

The first step to overcoming procrastination is to recognize that you're doing it. Then, identify the reasons behind your behavior and use appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it.


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Thanks for sharing. Taking the time to question the purpose of what you're doing, or "procrastination," is natural. When it comes to procrastination, it's important to fully immerse yourself in the present. Not ruminating about the past, or being anxious about the future.

Being mindful of both your: environment(s) and emotion(s) can have powerful effects on your personal and professional journey.

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