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RE: My 2nd Creative Collaboration on Steemit! / Original Poem, Illustrated by @tninh

in #poetry7 years ago

Wow I love this collaboration! While I am often turned off by rhyming in poetry the rhymes here in the middle and latter stanzas felt easy and unforced and more the product of the perfect words being plucked than a scheme that dictated a rhyme here and a rhyme there. It is a somewhat wistful poem and plays on that fear we all must have, what happens when we are not there. What happens when we are gone. What will summon our memory back, and is a memory some form of life eternal? Clearly you are not dead, but this is where my mind goes.

I love the art. Just plain love it. What a perfect accompaniment to the poem, it captures the mood perfectly I think. What a beautiful line curving from foot to armpit. I had not encountered @tninh yet, heading over to his blog now!

I am so happy to see you engaging with the community here more and starting to create more and more content original to Steem and more collaborations with others here on Steem (myself included). 2018 is going to be a good year for us all here on Steem brother :)

Much love - Carl

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Carl! Would you believe I, too, am wary of rhyming, unless it’s in-built and mysteriously dictated by the poem (as in this case).

I often say that the poet cannot deliver the last word on their poetry, nor is his/her interpretation the most interesting - and you confirm this with your creative, Existential reading of this piece.

Yes, excited about the possibilities of Steemit - and, in no small part, because of your encouragement & guidance, brother.

Glad you appreciate the artwork & wishing you more
happy discoveries.

Here’s to a creative, collaborative 2018, full Steem ahead ✌🏼 image

Resteemed on my main account and very happy to see @tninh's post getting the recognition it deserves as well :)

Amazed & deeply gratified to see it! He deserves good things & I believe has a bright future ahead!

Thank you, dream-maker, Carl :)

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