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RE: longiniquity

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

You arouse me with your touch,
though I can't see your hands.
You have kissed me with tenderness,
although I haven't seen your lips.
You are hidden from me,
but it is you that keeps me alive.


As a lover of words, this piece was a treat on that front alone. "Longinquity" is a great word, as it means "remoteness," yet conveys the image of longing, which is this piece's core.
"Pellucid" is a new word for me, rare as that is. Susurrus is a word I love (and which appeared in the original draft of "Poem of Protection"!), and "trill" is a criminally underused word.

The music used was very well chosen, the austere non-tonal string music. I've long been interested in that music, not something I listen to constantly, but something I put on now and then, when the mood is right. A combination of austerity and classicism, which fits with the bare structure of the poem. Simple lines, repeating structure. And also the outfit you wear and the black and white video.
And then came the oni mask. Must admit I did not see it coming. A mask, while speaking of being unseen. A sad demoness.

But I see you. Even when I can't look at you, lest it burns the sight from me, I see by your light. And yet, we spoke of this. There is a closeness, and there is a closeness. And yours are always the veils, to try and hide behind. Mystique comes naturally to a witch, does it not? The only thing scarier than not being understood, is being understood. To have others see us as we are.
Even, perhaps especially, if we shine as brightly as you do.

I also noticed the absence of Earth, in this piece. Earth is the space, keeping two apart.


That bit of Rumi is a lovely pairing with this piece. <3

I started with the music. I was just playing around and then found the magic chord and watched the rest form. From there the words started to surface and as you can see, the Muse came out to dance.

I enjoy these more austere landscapes, they really seem to pack a punch, especially after having done a bunch of garish pieces as I have of late.

As always, your perceptions are sharp -- Earth, though missing may have the most presence in this piece over the other elements. It's always in the unspoken one may find the heart of the ditty. ;)

Less really is more in poetry, quite often. I say, even as this piece is overflowing with those delicious words I like so much. But, while the words are rich, there is much space around them, letting them breathe. And yes, definitely in voice-art, the urge to overcome the viewer must be overcome at all angles.

And this muse, she's always dancing, oh yes.

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