A Few Thoughts on Age

in #poetry7 years ago


A Few Thoughts on Age

There is power in age. There is wisdom in years. In this age of Forever Young and smooth skin idolization too often we underestimate the value that lies behind the eyes of wrinkled faces. I recall taking a course in world religions years ago and being struck by the reverence that was owed to those who were wealthy in years in the faith tradition of Judaism. True, I was raised with a similar concept of “respect thy elders,” but to the Jewish mind rather than simply being respected our elders were to be valued. Respect is something you pay to one who no longer contributes. Whereas you value that which can still engage, change, and influence. Our elders deserve this opportunity and where their bodies may fail them, their experiences, when shared, are valuable.

What Can They Offer?

On a social media platform such as this in which the mean age is likely relatively low, a notion of valuing age may seem like an antiquated concept. It is true that relating with people outside our age group means challenges. In explaining cryptocurrency to someone unfamiliar with the internet I am confident that I am not the only one who has been accused of earning “play money.” Or perhaps, you have run into difficulty explaining to a grandparent how to use a cell phone or informing a parent that it is no longer acceptable to hold racially or sexually segregating opinions because we are more accepting now (irony intended). In moments of frustration like these, it is easy to assume that age only leads to shortsightedness and disengagement with a changing global landscape and to a degree it would not be wrong to assume that. We live in a continually shifting culture. It can be difficult to keep up. But this still does not rob our oldest living generation of their value.

While technology pushes culture forward at an unprecedented pace humanity remains strikingly unchanged. We still enjoy the same things: food, sex, the satisfaction of a job well done, good company, and good conversation. We still are capable of the highest good: love, kindness, generosity, and compassion; and we still are capable of the lowest degradations: hatred, selfishness, war, and segregation. In the midst of this we still face a daunting chasm of gray areas and unanswered questions. These are the same old problems that have remained with us for as long as our history extends. When faced with old questions we require old answers. This is the role that our elders can play.

Discipleship: An Outline

However, as with most call to arms, convincing the casual observer of the importance of a cause is far easier than implementing an action plan. For this I turn to an outline called Discipleship which I have witnessed among the believers in my own faith, Christianity. Discipleship is based upon a part of the Bible in which Paul, a follower of Jesus, creates a format for this new community of believers to interact (Titus 2:1-8). He carves out roles for both older and younger men and women and encourages the older to provide guidance to the young. As I have seen this played out, a person who will reach out to someone of the same gender who is younger than them and begin to disciple them. This involves meeting up consistently and discussing anything, from the most simple topics (how your week was, what is going on in your life) to the more in depth (what are your aspirations, what do you struggle with). Conversations like these with someone older are valuable regardless of your faith.

Not a Sign of Weakness

For those of us living in a modern world in which confessing our need for guidance and seeking help are too often see as signs of weakness this type of relationship may appear unattractive. But reaping wisdom from others experience is by no means a new or merely Christian concept. After all, even Plato was at one time a humble student to Socrates. And need we mention the shoulders that Isaac Newton stood upon? Those who actively seek advice are not weak but are actually quite the opposite. They are strong enough to be humble. These are the people who are setting themselves up to not only be more “successful” but more importantly, lead fulfilled lives.

What Now?

So what does this look like going forward? The answer is quite simple. Reach out. Call your parents if it has been days, weeks, or maybe months since you have spoken. For those of you fortunate enough to still have living grandparents visit them. Sit with them and take the opportunity to listen. Reserve your judgements for another time. Just listen. Engage with a different generation. They hold the largest portion of humanity’s current living collective memory. Access that wealth of years and experience. You will not be disappointed. As always, God Bless!

A Face Will Tell a Tale

A face will tell a tale

Each line; a peak beyond the veil

Of days and years sailed by,

Like ships, softly fading,

The past will leave subtle engravings

To remind of joyous or tearful eyes.

Check out some of my other poems!

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