Confluence (An Original Poem)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

When the Truth
stands before you
all else melts
into solemn

An easy calm
settles down
upon your soul
and wraps you tightly
in the beauty
of each moment.

What once seemed
can never again
regain its luster.

You will not only
believe in miracles
but you will know
them to be true,
for at long last,
you've once again
found you.

Eric Vance Walton

(Gifs sourced from

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
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We are all simply microns floating atop the cosmic wave of life... until it crashes upon the shores of oblivion. We truly are miracles.

What a lovely poem you have written, sir. I am a writer as well, still trying to figure out the whole Steemit thing. Reading things like this are exactly why I joined. Thank you for sharing.

@ericvancewalton If you have time, please check out The Paradoxical Question, as I feel that it relates to this piece.

Any feedback or advice you may provide would also be greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

Thank you so much for reading @still.alive!

Ohhh you're not going to SF? What a shame, I was really looking forward to meeting you! You're a beautiful writer and an amazing human being <3

you've once again
found you.

Weird, I used to think that was so easy, but I seem to be slipping through my fingers the older I grow...It becomes harder to know who you are...Very beautifully expressed here.

Thank you @honeydue! I thought we'd be able to make it but some scheduling conflicts cropped up. I'm really bummed that I'm missing it but will be there next year for sure.

Is this your first SteemFest? If so, you'll have an amazing time, @roelandp and crew do a phenomenal job. When you meet all of the Steemians face-to-face it'll make you realize how powerful it all is.

You're right about how easy it is to lose your identity as you get older. The world tries very hard to take it away from you but telling you who and what you should be. Eventually everything comes full circle and it's like a rediscovery of who you really are.

Thank you for your kind words and have a wonderful time in Krakow!

Yes, it is! And I have to admit I'm quite nervous about it - being quite shy, I'm really curious how it's going to be. But everyone - including you - has assured me that it's going to be a great experience, so I can't wait!

It will be an experience you'll never forget. Enjoy!

This one is mind-blowing. The Gif goes well with it.
We are truly miracles.

Beautiful poem, my friend and you are right, everything has merged in our world, but only true things remain the same! Thank you Eric

Good pun i felt something strange when i saw the gif hehehe, now following you. Regards

Simple, short and quite detailed. I have a lot to learn from you sir. Your poems are always wonderful.

How have you been? Been a while. Been super busy with life, stuffs, decisions hahahaha and next steps. How have you been sir?

Thank you, I appreciate it and am glad you enjoyed it! I hope the past few months have been good for you. I've been busy but great, we've been prepping for the next phases of the HardFork project. Sadly, I won't be making it to SteemFest this year but hope to make it for SF4 next year.

Wow!. You won't make it to Steemfest? I am not sure if Jordan and Maddie would make it there too.

Glad you have been doing great. I guess the busy fever is catching up with everyone hahahaha. Really glad to hear from you and yessss! Getting married this weekend. That is what has been keeping me away from engaging a lot more than i would have, right here on Steemit. Will be back fully soon.

No, we can't make it this year but will be there next year for sure! Ah, congratulations on your wedding! That's very exciting!

Thank you, Sir. reading from you somehow lifts my spirit. No problem sir. Steemfest will miss your presence.

First and last stanza is very close to the truth . Awesome poem.

intense writing in a short way and describes about life and inner beauty about a soul.

You will not only
believe in miracles
but you will know
them to be true,
for at long last,
you've once again
found you.

Believe and trust is everything for yourself for your mind atleast i believe that self confidence is everything.. love these sentences..

The poem is really distinctive and very beautiful You are a good person You give me every greeting and love😚😚

Second staza's imagination is very nice . Every soul want it.

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