Touching my heart

in #poetry7 years ago

I dream of the day when I can see you
Hold your beautiful face with my hands
Kiss those sweet, sweet lips that are mine
To touch the reality that has touched my heart
I roll over, and the moment takes its escape.
¸.• ´¸.•
´¨) ¸.•¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•'

Your beautiful face.jpg


Beautiful and sweet words and picture my dear ! ^_^

I feel so loved! Thank you, my Barbara. xo

You are most welcome my dear Denise

Beautiful words and hope. Such delicate petals...a delicate heart.

Thank you, my lovely! You always leave the nicest words for me to reflect back on. Appreciated! xoxo Have a fabulous weekend!

🌹💕 I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and it's 1/2 over 😛

you guys are really awesome coz write poem with good photography. salute

Thank you for such a lovely comment. So much appreciated.

Beautiful job Denise, greetings @dswigle

Muchas gracias amigo. Las palabras son apreciadas. Feliz domingo. XO

Gracias Denise, te deseo también un feliz domingo. @dswigle

Nice poem...thanks !!

Thank you!! I appreciate you coming by for a read and leaving nice words behind.

Thank you so much, Kaith!

Absolutely adore this photo Denise...........and kiss on the warm lips too. How sweet & romantic. UPV & RSD 🌸💖🌸

Thank you so much, Lena! I love your warm and meaningful comments. xoxo

Beautiful. Can I share in your dream? 😉😍

I'm pretty sure you just did.😊

Beautifull! Both, poetry and picture. I'm not a poetry reader and in my mind I think that the poetry is most a women's occupation ( at the same time, the biggest Romanian poets are men, from M.Eminescu to N.Stanescu) I say all this to excuse me because I can't appreciate your poem properly but I think that about painting, photography, movies I have some knowledge and I can say that your photo is itself a wonderful poetry!

I agree with you that these words do not translate very well into Romanian. But, I can also say that even though I labeled it as poetry, it really is just words being spoken out loud. I am not sure if that makes any sense to you but, I did not know what to label it.

Thank you on the wonderful words for the picture, it is truly appreciated and I hope that you have a wonderful Saturday night.

For me looks a poetry, a good one. You understand well...I don't read poetry in Romanian so in English is harder to understand. Thanks for the wishes, this week end it's a bit harder for me... but it will pass. Hope to be a good one for you.

Vise dulci, îngerii veghea asupra ta.

Thank you, what a surprise, what a beauty, I really needed this. Hope to be the same for you...angels!

Mulțumesc frumos !

In Romanian, reply to this is "Cu placere" (it's my pleasure)

Thank you! I have to fight with myself to use the correct one at the right time! How did you learn English so well? Most Romanians that I know have a halting knowledge of it and they are mostly in their early 30's.

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