Some Raw Advice To A Young Writer: "Sex Sells"💘steemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

Long ago, when I had my first serious crush on a girl, her older brother told me something I couldn't accept at the time...

"That's not love - that's 'puppy love.' You don't really love her; you're just physically attracted to her."

I was blown away. I found it hard, nigh unto impossible, to believe what he said. Protesting vehemently, I denied it. My love was true, my heart was pure.

After an additional half-century or so of contemplation, I have concluded that he was right.

Today, I admit my error, publicly, in Haiku form...

Love at First Blush

Love at First Blush
Photo courtesy of Brigitte Tohm and

📖Raw Advice to a Young Writer📖

A Haiku

Write to the gonads.
Sex sells, even when implied;
heart and mind will follow.

No, I'm not talking about porn or anything even remotely explicit.

All you need do is include the age-old tale of the natural attraction between a man and a woman in your stories, and you'll be much more likely to hold your reader's interest. I've written about this before in a "less plain, more gentle" format here:

What's At the Heart of a Story? - A Haiku

The message is still the same; love makes the world go 'round!

Writing Fundamentals

Writing Fundamentals
Photo courtesy of Sergey Zolkin and

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This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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I have never written a sexual line and yet so many of my stories involve romance...and mystery :)

John, my friend, your stories are dripping with sensuality... it's all implied. "Sex" as in the fundamental "design" sense of our gender roles as engineered by a wise Creator... ;)

everything about me is implied, and/or conflicted LOL!!

It sure does! I thought about writing some porn. While doing some research, I found out that Americans spend more on porn a year than all professional sports combined.

I.M.H.O., porn is a sad caricature that trivializes human relationships. But the success of that industry surely underscores both the fact that our fundamental motives are largely shaped by the instinctive tension between the sexes and the fact that our experience in society and our personal struggle to develop and sustain healthy relationships all to conspire to frustrate us.

Amen...not to mention desensitizes.

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