
You call homosexuality a “menace” and fail to see how that is discrimination...??

Boy, your momma must have dropped you on your head as a child.

Oh! Pardon me... That was a wrong chioce of word, I mistook "menace" for another word.
Just check my online dictionary now, its obviously my fault!!!

Well, I guess that’s just a lesson in the power of words for today... :-)

Also note: restored my vote back on the comment I did appreciate, bumped your rep score back up a point.

Yes dear... I must say I learnt a tough one tonight. Thanks sir, You are such a great guy! 😊

The tough ones tend to hold the greatest treasures... 😇🙏💗

to me its act of choice

Did you choose to be black...?

Now consider a much broader perspective, in which there might be the possibility that you had, prior to your arrival in this body, at a soul level, as part of a soul contract...

Whether that were the case, or we were just focusing back into this lifetime where you did not make that choice:

What would your response be were someone to label you, your friends, and family as a “menace” due to that choice...?

I will feel bad dear as in my facial appearance will change but if it was a misuse of word I will receive the person's apology.