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RE: It All Unfolds...

in #poetry6 years ago

I must say you are a good peot!!! Let me deduce my little understanding from your nice piece...

freezing ourselves in ways of the past.

The past can be so backforwarding that thinking of the events can make us lose our source of encouragement due to its negativity.

Sometimes we have to let go in order to give rooms for new achievements though the past should be a source of lesson to all.

Insisting upon change,
we have been blinded to transformation -
laboring against the universe

Change is a natural phenomenom but not all change can bring a good modification, our social-cultural life styles have changed to the extent that we now practise homosexualism and lesbianism around the globe...even some our world leaders partly support this menance owing to the fact that human population is adversely increasing in number...this can be prevented via other means
we claim to be the gods of atoms but it should not lead us to unending doom


Next time you litter my digital space with any sort of discrimination towards a person’s race, color, creed, or sexual orientation, you shall be flagged.

There’s not enough “hate” within your prehistoric-consciousness-based judgementality to rightfully flag this comment under the pretext of “hate speech,” though consider this a clear establishing of the rules that any further such discrimination will not be tolerated here.

Am sorry sir, I never knew It was an act of discrimination or racism to me its act of choice and self sactisfaction and I agree with same reason friend practise such but I have never for once discriminated or confronted him about it. Thanks for your enlightenment

You call homosexuality a “menace” and fail to see how that is discrimination...??

Boy, your momma must have dropped you on your head as a child.

Oh! Pardon me... That was a wrong chioce of word, I mistook "menace" for another word.
Just check my online dictionary now, its obviously my fault!!!

Well, I guess that’s just a lesson in the power of words for today... :-)

Also note: restored my vote back on the comment I did appreciate, bumped your rep score back up a point.

Yes dear... I must say I learnt a tough one tonight. Thanks sir, You are such a great guy! 😊

The tough ones tend to hold the greatest treasures... 😇🙏💗

to me its act of choice

Did you choose to be black...?

Now consider a much broader perspective, in which there might be the possibility that you had, prior to your arrival in this body, at a soul level, as part of a soul contract...

Whether that were the case, or we were just focusing back into this lifetime where you did not make that choice:

What would your response be were someone to label you, your friends, and family as a “menace” due to that choice...?

I will feel bad dear as in my facial appearance will change but if it was a misuse of word I will receive the person's apology.

Also take note: I removed my votes on the other comments you left earlier, dropping your rep score back down a point, as I care not to support strengthening the reputation of anyone who demonstrates such a character of openly discriminating against anyone.

Sir am greatly sorry...I do not discriminate against anyone. All was pointed on reduction in population as a change

Am sorry once again if you misunderstood the motive behind my comment.

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