First Contact [A Limerick]

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

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There was a being all in grey
who came in a ship like a tray.
He tapped his finger
and smells did linger,
then he said that I made his day.


Copyright © 2018 Anike Kirsten

All rights reserved.

Over on @thewritersblock Discord server, writers learn the mechanics of their craft whether it be prose, poetry, songwriting, or non-fiction writing. This limerick is the result of the-poetry-academy on the server. Hosted by our resident all-things-poetry master, @damianjayclay, poets—whether just starting out or familiar with it—are guided through the mechanics of what makes good poetry.

We explore exercises every week, one of which was to create a limerick. This was mine after much studying and reading the discussions to understand the rhythm.

Anyone is welcome to join in on the fun we have in The Poetry Academy. Why not come over and have a look?

Some other limericks produced as a result of The Poetry Academy, a few weeks ago:

Are you a writer and looking to hone your skills? Join us on The Writers' Block Discord server by clicking on the gif below:

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Short Stories | Artwork | Poetry | Non-Fiction Articles


:o) Quality Limerick 👍

What smell? What did he do with his finger?!

Those damn aliens...

Oh, you know... A prick here, a prod there, a tapping on the shoulder that leads to cultural misunderstanding. The usual.

I just went through your post but can't find the link for the discord channel.

Click on the gif for The Writers' Block, it will take you to the Discord server. The channel is within the server.

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