Block Limericks – Comedy Open Mic Round 10

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Block Limericks.jpg

I mainly hang out on a Discord server called The Writers' Block. Sometimes I write limericks for my friends there. Since I was nominated by @carn for this, I thought I'd share a few.

@presley likes Trek.

There once was a writer named Presley
thought Trek was the best show on telly
but her face went all hard
at old Captain Pickard
and soft, every time she saw Wesley.

@diebitch (sometimes known as Charu) was moaning about how much poetry she was writing at the sake of her prose.

There once was a poet, Charu
who didn't quite know what to do,
cause her prose decomposed
with her writing app closed
as her poetry just grew and grew.

@gmuxx told us how much he hated memes. So I wrote this for his birthday.

There once was a writer called Muxx
who made all his posts in a tux
but the thing that was frightning
was his high-class meme writing
that brought in the steem and the bucks.

@bex-dk is Editor in Chief at the Block.

There once was a lady called bex
who liked to take texts by their necks.
When she gave a crit
she cut through the shit
with a red pen that hanged the suspects.

We had a user come in who @sufknasen caught plagiarising.

There once was a fella named Surf
who kicked a meltboy to the turf.
He came in to hone
work not of his own
and was banned in a torrent of mirth.

@jwswab used to help edit poetry on the block when I first joined. Where you gone, JR?

There once was a fella called Swab
who took up an editing job.
The bad rhymes he'd chide
as the poets all cried
and gave him a punch in the gob.

@jayna was talking about fitness regiemes one night.

There once was a woman name Jayna
who hired a physical trainer.
He said, "Walk to get fit!"
She said, "Really? No shit!"
and cancelled the scumbag's retainer.

We've been writing a lot of limericks lately in the Poetry Academy at the Block. Last night @nobyeni said she was never writing a limerick again.

A philosopher named Nobyeni
for a whole week wrote limericks aplenty.
So she slammed shut the door
saying, "Limericks no more!"
and on the very next day she wrote twenty.

I nominate @jrswab and and @idenkcall.

Damian Jay Clay.jpg

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Image: Pixabay: CC0 Creative Commons - prawny


There once was a guy Idikuci
Who walks like a pussy
His best friend @yesaye likes tech gist
But at night time, he was a goat rapist
Comedyopenmic mic turned them to monkeys...

cackles until she dies

First we're #editedbyclay and now we're at risk of being "limericked by Clay"? Is there no sanctuary anymore?!

cackles as she runs away in terror

Clay's police here

you can run but not hide.

Shit, 5-0! runs faster but doesn't cackle... much

Brilliant – every single one. Stands and claps wildly – a well-deserved ovation.

There once was this Damian feller
who penned rhymes that were beyond stellar.
With every word written
you'd find yourself smitten –
inspired to write a bestseller.

xo • zippy ;)


Brilliant! Simply brilliant.

Glad you enjoyed that! I certainly enjoyed writing it. Isn’t every day I feel compelled to write a limerick! Thanks for that!

Why is it that when I think of blocks I think of block chains?

I like this one the best:

There once was a writer called Muxx
who made all his posts in a tux
but the thing that was frightning
was his high-class meme writing
that brought in the steem and the bucks.

Standing ovation! Brought a tear to my eye. :D

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