Poetry: Victory - Another Attempt at More Serious Poetry

in #poetry6 years ago


Life's thrown everything at me
Lemons and lemonade aplenty
Battlefields with corpses behind
Landscapes and sunsets ahead

It's a roller coaster ride undeniably
The ups and downs a certainty
I'll fight till the end justifiably
Because victory is mine for the taking

Poem by @andysantics

Image thanks to Pixabay

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I like this poem. And I'm glad I followed my feeling to come take a peek to see if you had something new up this morning before I got off Steemmit.

I'll fight till the end justifiably
Because victory is mine for the taking

Yes, it is girl. Totally yours for the taking. Your whole brand New Year beckons for even more awesome victories. Cheering you on!

Will be coming back on later to do the contest, btw. Turns out I'll have to do it all today as you said I could, despite my plans to start on Monday. ;)

Thanks Angela :) Where were you???

I love this Andy... and yes!! Victory is yours!!! Love you girlie!!

Oh wow I'm not sure I got a victory with my assignment - I was an hour late!!!

Very nice poem! I really like it! :) It's nice to have a "battle" poem balance the good and the bad instead of focusing only on the bad.

Thank you so much - I really felt this poem!

I like it. It's very uplifting. Good poem to read after my week that has been a lot like your poem. :-)

I'm glad you liked it :) I hope it helped!

This is really to the point and truthful @andysantics48. Lemons and lemonade. Ups and downs. Hold on for another ride.

Yip! This is a poem that pretty much everyone can relate to! No one escapes the Lemons!! But we can choose to make lemonade if we wish :)

Hi Andy,

A very nice poem with at real positive spin... Thank you!



I wrote this poem for a contest but didn't enter - the prompt was Victory and this just came dancing into my head. I pretty much sums up life doen't it!

Lemons, give me idea for my next poem, lol thanks

Hehe I'll come check it out :)

Beautiful words~~

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