Poetry: Grandma's Antics

in #poetry6 years ago

Saturday night was the big celebration
A party was organized for the special occasion

People scurried in all directions
Setting up tables for the food selections

But Mother dear had her teeth removed
So she needs her food to be rather smooth

She heads off down to the grocery store
Searching for something not requiring a straw

After an hour we all look around
But Mother dear was nowhere to be found

I send off Amy to hunt the street
But to no avail, she comes back in defeat

So then I go out for another look
Searching about in every nook

Still no luck but we wait for a bit
Surely she'll turn up or we'll have a fit

Another hour passes and we're starting to worry
We organize people to go out in a hurry

Out of the blue Mother dear wanders in
She looks so happy with her toothless grin

"Where have you been" we sing out together
"You went to buy dinner but you've been gone forever"

"I've been to play the pokies and had a great night
I've won some money" she says with delight

Never mind that you've had people out searching
As long as your purse is fuller - Ker Ching!!

It's fair to say she spread around her winnings
Filling pockets with the rewards from her spinnings

Images thanks to Pixabay and Clipart Library

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That first cartoon is a remarkable likeness!

Hehe It was a shame I couldn't find more of the same granny lol

Haha. Loved that Grandma had a win at the slots. 🎰🤗

She's very hard to keep track of believe me lol


Thanks, you've left me smiling as I head off for a night's rest...



Hehehe I'm glad I got you smiling :D

Hilarious! I loved your fabulous poem @andysantics And the graphics are a perfect match for your very well written words. Well Done!

Aww thanks @trudeehunter I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

I certainly did @andysantics You are very talented.

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