

Connections are funny things.....

Sometimes they can come unstuck easily and sometimes they last a lifetime but whichever they are, you can be sure they are all important for some reason!

People come in to your life with different purposes.... to teach you lessons, to help you through a hard time, to listen or be listened to, or maybe they come to be the voice of reason.

It's hard to know how or why they happen.... they just do.

We meet people everyday and sometime they fall in to the 'acquaintance' category,
sometimes the 'Woah..... way too strange' category

and then occasionally you meet those incredibly special people that draw you in and you call them 'friends'.

When I joined Steemit, I had no expectation of meeting people that I would connect with on a personal level, but I have found that there are indeed those relationships to be had! It has surprised me no end that I have found allies and bonds and friendships that are growing deeper everyday.

I wrote this short poem about them....

I have always been drawn
To people who drag me from my gloom
The ones who have a presence
As soon as they enter the room

I don't care about sexual preference
Or whether you are black, blue or white
When I make that connection
I know, coz it just feels right

I've met some new people recently
You all know who you are
And although we don't live close
I will love you from afar!

So in conclusion, I will treasure all the people that I meet and nurture these relationships to grow a community that laughs together and grows together.

This is a piece written for the Buddyup Community.


What a fun poem. Yes, I've met people here that I never expected to connect with.

So many people Peggy :) Isn't it great!!

Hey, Andy,

Thanks for another very positive poem!

I'm glad you've appeared in my life, even as an aquaintance. And I know precisely where I fall on "the spectrum:"

"...the 'Woah..... way too strange' category"


I'm glad to know you.



Hahaha that's why you will probably be my friend - I think I fit in the same category when others meet me. You are in great company :D and I love that you came to visit me again :)

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Hello friend ,great post yet again.

hehehehe I loved hearing you talk about this (even though I missed some of the words LOL) and now I love coming to read it!

Three Amigas 4 life ;) Reality RV - here we come hahahahahahaha

Reality RV man would we be a hit show lmao!!!

It really would be hahahhaa

Maybe we should just make our own!!! YouTube here we come! Who needs to wait for the lotto??? We will be YouTube billionaires 😂😂😂😂😂😂

That was really great! I do love all the connections I've made here, and I think it's great when you meet someone and they fit!

Yes it's a nice feeling to have people in your corner and appreciating you :) Nice to see you :D

It's nice to see you too! When I clicked on your blog, it felt like I hadn't seen you im ages!

I liked your poem. People come into our life for various reasons, I agree. It hurts when they have to leave but at least they have shown us something real that we will treasure for the rest of our life.

Aww thank you!! Oh for sure - we might not realize it at the time because of the hurt but every relationship has something to show us :) thanks for coming over :)

I don't care if you're black or white, but I'm not so sure I trust those blue people... lol

The blue people in Avatar were lovely :P

This was such a sweet poem, I couldn't help but 'awwhhhh' <3

Lol It's great to get the awww factor sometimes :)

I love the poem! You do meet lots of folks here that you would never suspect that would become such good friends.

Thank you :) It has been a surprise for sure!

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