Poemchallenge Results by margaretwise :) Poetry is passion and love 🗝🚪✍🏻

Hello my Steemians.

"I know that twenty people say that my poem was important to them, and even helpful in difficult moments of life. I know these twenty people personally and this acquaintance allows me to save myself in moments when I myself doubt the sense of writing, especially poetry. "

Ernest Bryll

I would like to say thank you to all of you who were participating in the Challenge and also those who were interested in poemchallenge. I am delighted with your interest in poetry that shows how beautiful hearts and souls are among us. :)


The words that spoke to my heart and stirred my emotions.



" If you go... "

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On this taciturn night,
in the midst of crickets and the black of the thick night,
Your memories come back to me.
And it's not that I want to do it, no ...
is that my heart invokes you,
he longs for you ...
You came to me with those boy's eyes,
your unique and captivating voice,
your wounded heart bled for help ...

You came to the quiet beaches of my life,
I took care of you and I gave you my best ...
Përo as a sailor you have left my port.

A thousand questions fly in my head,
like flies looking for a place to rest,
Because you left?
why did you start?
Why did you lie so well?
Because the art of your cowardice?

If you left,
Otherwise you would not fight with impetu,
Why did you kiss me like that?
Because your caresses seemed real?
Because I felt you true?

I thought of my Twin Soul,
We recognized the Red Thread,
and we weave dreams together ...

Was it the water that you drank on the way and kept going?
Why not stay in the Oasis of my love?
If I have everything your thirsty soul seeks,
my hands healed your wounds,
spend my nights listening to your battles and
my body caressed and I fill your humanity in a sublime and unique way.

Why do not you stay here today?
The joy vanishes from me,
if you take away your love ...

Do not let me go baby,
Do not leave me in the abyss of your forgetfulness,
I die a few without you ...

I can do nothing if you want to leave
Fly and fly very high.
Go to other arms and do not do the same thing that hurts ...

Do not look back,
I do not want to see the beautiful shine of your eyes,
I do not want to pretend more of you ...

I only ask you not to kill my memory,
if at some point I assault you in your memory
do not look at the sky with exasperation,
try to see how beautiful I gave you and smile for what it was ...

Take me in your prayers,
and I will wrap you in my heart as I repeated it again and again,
that will be my breath to my lack of oxygen ...

And remember...
I will always be the beach that awaits you deep within you ...
I will be your blessing in the way of your days ...

If you go...




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I die of loneliness
Seeing my empty bed
Because I know you're not
As I will not miss you
Even more in the cold morning
I can not stop thinking about you
Since you were part of me
I have a hard time understanding
I did not know how to take advantage
The love you wanted to give me
Today I can no longer listen
When you always told me
That against wind and storm
You would always be by my side

How much sadness it gives me
Every time I remember you
I did not value
What would make me happy
Never get to imagine
How strong for me would be
And that my heart would feel
That cruel and evil loneliness




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I know of sadness
Be closed doors
Be of the back exposed to the whip and to the ear
Be old deceased covered
Ash lonely rattles
Abandoned in cribs without anyone
I know of uncertainties and awe
Accelerated as the misfortune
They left in my pockets
Only this one
Haggard portrait
And in my chest bitter powder
Of the lack of love
I know of sadness On my neck
Centuries of gunpowder And dogma
They made the bloody moments
Of contempt and humiliation
For feeling human
Let extirpate in me the customs
Of my hobbies
And the trampled milk of his wounds
This is how my western learning began



I hope you enjoy reading these poems as much as I did. I'd like to invite you to next PoemChallenge next Friday, open the wing and write my dear friends.

I hope you have enjoyed !!!

Thank you for visiting and support my work. My heart is deeply appreciate .



Copyright © 2017 by margaretwise , All Rights Reserved


Interesting poems once again congratulations to all the winners

Hello @margaretwise, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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