Fight on, you've got the victory already

in #poem6 years ago (edited)


Watching the repeat of a football match is always fun
Especially when one's team came first in the final of a competition
I like it!
Comfortable on your sit, you watch on
Unlike the first time when you watch fearfully
When the opponent attacks, you smile...
You know what moves resulted in a goal(if any)
But you also know about the equalization and takeover.
You know the result already and cheers so many
Just entertain yourself over and over

This year...
Situations must have come looking fierce
The enemy must have attacked like a flood
But remember, there was only one battle necessary
The one where Jesus by his blood
Disgraced principalities and powers
Hence making the victory ours.

So, therefore...
Relax yourself when the same match is aired
In life's daunting challenges, when the enemy brings the re-play
Bills, struggles, disappointments, barriers, confusions, coverings bared...
If you watched the same game already, hey!
It is weird that you would still be on edge!
Relax dear son, daugther of God and be of good cheer

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It is not a live match, it already has been played
With the medals won and the victors ascertained
Every other charge after the closing ceremony of the tournament is "too late"
If the enemy stages an entirely new fight for you... Laugh
Say a loud "Noooo!"for it is a fight "too bad"
No more daring, for the medals we have!

Alas, the only fight yet to fight is that of faith
So, when you claim "I won already in him....!"
It is basic spiritual wisdom(sophia)
But then, be aware not only of the fact that it happened(gynosco)
But also, have the light of how it happened(sunesis)
Let your mind be set on that truth(phronesis)
And be conformed to what you are...

For when the enemy, obstinate, comes challenging...
"You say there is no need for a fight any more...
Where is the victory that overcame? The medal from the said competition?"
It becomes not a new battle but one of affirmation
Let your mouth be as sharp as a sword
For it is the battle of words
Give a huge smile and present your medal, your evidence, your substance
Oh thou child of God, in spiritual words saying...
"This is the victory that overcometh the world...even my faith!


To a depressed soul, believe it will soon be over!

Fight on, for that's the only option you've got
The victory is yours. cheers!

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