Path of Exile - Incursion Competition Day 1

in #poecomp6 years ago

Competition Details


This time around, I left all the organizing to @mattclarke and we've got a shorter competition with a larger prize pool. 20 Steem for the best character of each class, and a further 20 Steem for the best overall, bringing the total to 160 Steem. The announcement post was here


As I mentioned in my entry post, I wanted to play a close combat character, so I found a marauder build that looked fun that would combine Cyclone and Molten Strike. I was having a decent amount of fun with Molten Strike once I'd found it.

I enjoyed the Incursion league's theme area, with it's easy access from almost any zone. Having said that I found some of the encounters I had a bit too short and they felt like they were over before they began. I also wasn't able to deal damage quick enough to even get to any of the architects (uniques) to have a chance at modifying the temple.

Screenshot 2018-06-02 16.45.31.png
The only new load screen I've seen. It's for getting into the full temple...

I'd read about the temple, and how it's difficulty level should be a couple of levels above the average of the 10 visits, and figured I'd be ready for it. Everything was going ok, but it was a challenge, regularly needing to use healing potions as well as mana. I'd cleared the first 2 areas of what would only be a 4 zone temple run due to not opening doors in my challenges but when I entered the third area I very quickly found myself surrounded and before i could leap to escape, my life was gone and the level 18 Marauder was no more.


I'd also seen a very interesting summoner, and with none of the other 10 competitors playing witches, I decided to give it a go. It is very much my play style, having minions doing all the work for me, although I am equipped with fireball as a primary weapon as well. The early areas with just fireball were not as tough as expected, and I soon found Summon Zombies, which seem to have quite a decent ability to survive and kill things, especially now that I have 7 of them. I'd only just found Summon Skeletons when I went into a vaal corruption and came out of it with my first of the redesigned vaal skill gems. Vaal Summon Skeletons! Perfect. It can be used as the normal version, and when enough souls have been gathered, the super powerful vaal version that summons an army all at once.

While I've finished the time travel visits to the temple, I've not risked my character with a visit to the completed temple yet. I did however have much better success in my visits, changing at least 3 rooms and unlocking a few doors. I don't have access to the whole temple, but I do have access to most of it.

I ended the first day having completed Acts 1 and 2, and started my way through Act 3. Checking my competitors this morning and I see that there are 4 others now playing witches, some due to unfortunate deaths and some as a second (or third or fourth...) character with their previous ones sitting at a position they see as safe.

Screenshot 2018-06-03 09.21.31.png
My current skill tree. I have intentions of expanding into a couple of the northern rings, and then to the south

Today I'm going to tackle the temple, and hopefully finish acts 3 and 4. I'll be interested to see what happens with the temple after visiting it in the present. It would be disappointing if that's the end of it, as the whole season is supposed to be about the temple. I expect that there will be a reward and then future contact with Alva (the NPC for the season) will start a new temple visit sequence.

A Footer - Ratticus Upgoats Transparent Background.png
Upgoats made by the talented @ryivhnn


I just tried messing around with a marauder a little bit as I looted a vaal grand slam. Just not by kind of playstyle. Felt little slow for my taste. Also just not use to not having certain skills. It was at least fun to try one.

I’ve been in the temple a couple of times nothing to crazy other than some near deaths. I’ve not finished one yet. Don’t feel like risking it.

Enjoy playing the witch man they are rather fun. I gave one a try as well. I seem to be trying out a few different classes this time around. So many wonderful skill changes I thought why not.

I hope your day two goes much better!

I am not very experienced with this game, but entered the competition for a laugh. I've just lost my Marauder after trying to work my way through the prison. Careless and foolish.

Anyway, I have to say that I love the ground pound move with a huge two handed axe. It makes short work of most zombies and skeletons. I even had a few health and mana regeneration items. They are helpful, but they can make you complacent. You have to be on your toes or the silliest of mistakes can cost a character.

Less than 24 hours to go. Best of luck.

Took me quite a while to get the hang of some of the earlier stages. I'm almost always over-leveled for an area once I get to the prison though, so while I might not be getting full xp (there is a range, but I always forget the formula) I do still progress.

Good luck with your next attempts

Thanks. I have a few things to do that have taken priority, but I will see what I can do.

I'm really enjoying this race. Lots of deaths already. An early death can even be something of a blessing. If your ranger was never going to catch the leader and dies; you can start a scion and maybe overtake the leader (who may be playing a different char at the time)
I'm guessing everyone's taking a minute to check all of their competitors selections before choosing who to fire up.
Interestingly I play a lot on Xbox one, and the update hasn't come through yet.
Go to start a new player, and the only options are standard and bestiary.

Yeah, lots of death...

I've had 2 more deaths today. The first was possibly due to being a bit tired and 'just finish this bit off' when I really should have taken a break. Will certainly play him again at some point because still awesome, but has to be shelved for now.

Jumped back in with another witch summoner and was grinding some early level temple things which was fine, but decided to go into the temple instead of waiting for a few levels and got slaughtered by the larger mobs with fast firing ranged. I'll take a look at what others have before I have another go tomorrow. I'm not defeated yet, but I'm certainly struggling (and I should be doing some other things too...)

I did notice you didn't have any hardcore characters.
An hour ago...
2 scions 56,43
4 witches 39,37,23,20
3 shadow 49,45,1
3 templar 45,22,1
4 marauders 37,20,10,2
1 ranger 30
1 duelist 67

Might be worth giving the ranger a run tomorrow :)

Yeah, although my first witch was level 40, and I had a lot of fun with it, so giving it a third go. Also useful as I'm getting used to the play of it. Already back to level 13 (where my second one died) and I'm not going to risk the temple (though I have completed the challenges to get it ready. Need to get more levels before I go further on it.

11 players with 18 characters. Some people have more time than I do (and undoubtedly, more skill!)

If their skill doesn't live up to their ambition they might walk away empty handed ;)
Spread yourself too thin and you'll come second in four different classes.

If you want me to resteem your post to over 72,500 followers, go here:

Hi dear,thanks.

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