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RE: And we're done. Congratulations @beercake on a resounding victory.

in #poecomp7 years ago

One week I think is the perfect amount of time. Anything longer than that and peoples wiliness to push themselves in unhealthy ways just for a win starts to become an issue. Anything shorter than that and it encourage people trying to stay up for the entire event without sleep.

1 week gives people time to join in late and still catch up. Lots of time if you have an early death. Those who can only be around for a couple days can push hard for those days they are free. Those that have much more time can spread it out over the entire event. Overall, I think it’s just the right amount of time.

I would really love to see SSF next time. I even noticed it was there as an option (unless I’m mistaken) from the start. Not really sure why we didn’t go with it in the first place other then we were not expecting it as an option. I think it forces people to play to the game and not to the auction house. It also makes you learn more about the game as those who are really knowledge will switch their build/reroll to take advantage if they find something very powerful.

I was tempted to just make a level 1 after all my deaths so I’d still have a toon up on the board. I, however, felt it was bit unsportsmanlike so I did not.

I’ve even started over now on softcore! I’m not sure how often I’ll create any kind of updates but I just love the game and hope to increase my ability in it. Yes, I’ve already died thankfully it's softcore!

Looking forward to competing next time at a much higher level!Thanks again for hosting this wonderful event.


I think perhaps its an option on established accounts, but not a fresh download.
Its easy enough to make it a requirement is that's the case.
When the issue came up (noob friends downloading didn't have the option) I assumed it wouldn't be an initial option in the new league.
Its important to note that currency spent and items acquired in the auction house are all fresh found in the new league.

Either mode works for me. Being able to buy stuff would be more new player friendly I think.

Anyways, you going keep going on hardcore for this season or you done for now?

I'm not drowning in spare time, but when I want to switch off I fire it up.
I only play hardcore :)

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