Celebrating 1500 Followers : Path of Exile Challenge BONUS

in #poecomp7 years ago (edited)

I have been wondering how to celebrate my 1500 Follower milestone and whether I should even acknowledge it with a post and figured, why the hell not? It seems a bit self-indulgent to be patting myself on the back so I’m taking the view that these milestones are a good excuse to give something back. So I am going to celebrate with a bit of generosity toward my followers – because without them I may as well be shouting into the void.


When it comes to generosity, it is pretty hard to look past @mattclarke for an example of how to be a great Steemian. He is quickly becoming a bit of a role model and he has personally introduced a LOT of new people to STEEM even in just the short time I’ve been here. His most recent generosity is taking the form of a competition for a game called Path of Exile and he is giving away 100 STEEM – a value of about $520 Australian Dollars! Read all about his competition HERE


I looked up this game and it looks similar to Diablo 2, which was probably the last game of this type that I played back in 2000. So I thought I’d check it out and since I’ll kind of be on holidays in early March I might actually be able to find time to be involved. So this post is a bit of a double-up celebration for my milestone and also declaring my intent to join the fun and compete in the race!


I’m pretty rusty with my gaming so depending on how you look at it, I am either a grizzled old veteran of 20 years or a born-again fresh faced newbie. I’m not expecting to be very good, but I have jumped in to learn the game and am making my way through the Abyss League. So far I’ve made it to level 14 and only died once, so that’s not too bad. I have no idea whether Hardcore mode is more difficult or just more fatal. I guess that is the thing I’ll need to find out next.


I’ve got a Ranger character and my current play style is to keep my distance and use a bow to deal damage. I am naturally cautious and try to always know where the exits are. I value speed and evasion above toughness. You can keep track of my progress on THIS PAGE if you’re interested.


I don’t have high hopes of getting into the main prize leaderboard, but I’m setting a personal goal of being the best Ranger in the competition. So to back that up I am throwing an extra 10 STEEM DOLLARS into the pot for any other player who can beat me to become the best Ranger in the competition. Same rules as the main comp, if there are 2 or more players on the same level this prize will be split. My only caveat is that if you win the bonus prize you have to give me a tip or 2 on how you did it! I’m not too proud to ask for advice!

May the best Ranger Win!


Images and Credits


Congrats mate, I saw @mattclarke PoE contest and thought it would be good fun but I am traveling for work too much to make a real go of it. So good luck with the comp.

Better to enter and then fail at competing than not entering and finding you have some time after all? Not like there's any fee for entering or penalties if you don't even create a character :)

Great advice. Nothing to lose!

Thanks for achieving more followers.

Oh now that's an interesting way of skewing the character types in the comp! I'm seriously considering ranger now :)

Haha, well it'll be some easy money for you. Like taking candy from a baby....well a grizzled old baby...kind of.

Just looked at my characters. As far as I can tell my best Ranger is Lvl 8...

Maybe I should practice

Congrats on 1500! I'm right behind you and you can bet when I get there I'll be celebrating and making a post about it lol

Gosh the D2 days were epic huh.. Brings but great memories!

Sure was. At the time I was running an internet cafe. I had a bunch of diehard gamer friends who were waiting for D2 to come out and we made a pact. We would all pre-order it and we would only play it together once a week so we could all level up and experience the game in it's fullest together. We had all the classes covered and we had a real adventure party put together. It was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had with friends.

First off, nice, nice, not surprised you're gaining a solid following, that's a pretty impressive rounded number!

POE is tons of fun and gets crazy once you get to maps, the high-tier stuff.

Uh what else... haven't played in a while, but it sounds like they're dropping a new patch and patches in POE are like... well, patches in any other game, so the meta might change a bit and some classes and playstyles might get dumpstered.

Had a ranger, would not recommend, at least when I played it was a class you should play only if rich. Some classes are much, much, much more money dependent than others, like if you wanted to, say, go a totem build... then go for it, that was nice and cheap, whereas with ranger or a few other classes you really needed some kind of expensive items to get your dps up.

POE is pretty much unanimously agreed to be what Diablo 3 should have been, lol. I hope you have fun in your journeys, wish I had better tips but I haven't played in a while.

Oh, and always have an escape spell, and get ready to mash the potion button sometimes. Later on you'll need potions that stop status effects like bleed/shock/etc.

Thanks. Some good advice there and you would have talked me out of playing ranger except that I'm committed now. Been doing a bit of reading about ranger builds that are glass cannons but I think I need to have a bit more survive-ability.

I can do basic kiting and have been mashing the potion buttons already. Got to put some work into my escape spells though. I'll get there ;)

Don't get me wrong, they're a ton of fun, and I think... at least somewhere along the line the part of the point of the contest is to have some of that, lol.

Yeah muscle memory will be second nature by the time the season starts!

You sound like somebody who would do well.
You going to show us what you got?

I would but I don't have a gaming rig right now, something is up with my main fan, need to replace it but there are just... man, these laptop manufacturers really know how to put in impossible to remove screws. The contest is tempting me to just pry it open lol.



Fantastic post and bonus engagement!
Love it.
I know @jimmybreeze is leaning in a rangerly direction, so you should have some good company.
Hardcore is identical in difficulty; its really just a badge to say, "I haven't died yet".
Play around with fire trap if you get the chance; complements a ranger nicely.

Awesome! That is a great tip!

I only just figured out how the gems and abilities work (I think). Up until about level 9 I had like 5 Flame Arrow gems.

Lol. You only need one. It gains xp when you do (as long as it's equipped), so if you want to experiment, keep gems you might want later equipped in some armor instead of in your stash.

Yep, I am realising that my memory, attention span and ability to learn new things in games is greatly lower than it was 20 years ago. Damn, getting old sucks.

I'll have to take your word for it.
I'm only thirty-ten.

Level 19 now.
Cold arrows; hot arrows and bleeding arrows.

I've gone on a bit of a spree today. Should be working but what the hey.

Level 29, So you've picked up 10 levels.
Ten a day means you'll make level 70 in a week ;)

Congrats on the 1500 followers 😉 great achievement and so worth making a post. Have a wonderful week. Cheers!

Your welcome 😉 have a wonderful evening. Cheers! Happy VD

congrats on getting 1500 followers brother this games looks fair dope ill follow matt know to find out more

Jump in on the comp if you can, mate.
Or just give it a download and play for a bit.
Its a fantastic game.

Good stuff. He doesn't post a lot but he is a great community builder so definitely worth following.

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