Pocket Friday!

in #pocket5 years ago

First, about @freewritehouse!

As most of you are aware, Punday Monday is a @freewritehouse project! I’m helping run a fundraiser for @freewritehouse, and you should be aware of it!

Head on over to them and check it out. The fundraising is happening via sponsoring SBI for @freewritehouse, so it’s win-win!

Today is the last day to get in on the fundraiser (though of course every day is a good day to hang out with @freewritehouse and buy them some SBI)

This group of goofballs is always excited to hang out together, so come hang out with us if you haven’t already. I know you’re all goofballs.

Second about @steemfiction!

Dead Silence comes out June 1st! It’s the second anthology from @steemfiction. (The first was Voices in the Darkness)
This book contains nine murder-filled short stories by @jeezzle, @manoldonchev, @stinawog, @giantbear, @blueeyes8960, @jayna, @janenightshade, @improv, and @felt.buzz

Welcome to POCKET Friday!

If you enjoy jokes, this is your chance to award your favorite jokes from this week’s Punday Monday with your praise and your votes!

All the jokes from this week are in the comments on this post: https://steemit.com/contest/@improv/101-in-binary-is-5-in-base-ten-or-base-6-uncleaned-pools-are-base-ick-punday-monday-101

How do you vote?

There are so many ways to vote on the Steem blockchain. The most popular, obviously, is the Upvote function. When you read a pun you like on that post, give it your love! Not only will the punsters feel good about having brought you enjoyment, they will also get some STEEM!

Another popular way to vote is with your voice! In a comment or post, tag the user who made the pun you like and let them know that you like it!

But neither of those is the way we determine the winner of this audience favorite award. In order to vote for your favorite punster of the previous week, you’ll send them POCKET in a comment on this post. The next section will tell you how.

How do you send POCKET?

If you don’t already have POCKET, you can get some for the purposes of voting from @paul.atreides! He’s already sent some to @coinsandchains, @artgirlnyc and @corpsvalues, so we’re hoping to get some votes from them on favorite puns! Send him a message or memo that says, “I want to vote in this week’s POCKET awards for Punday Monday, would you send me some POCKET so I can?”

Once you have POCKET, you can send it using the syntax,

pocketsend:0thisisthenumberofpocketyouwanttosend@totheusernamelistedhere,this part is where you tell the punster what you liked about their pun.

This is all you do with the POCKET. If there are other uses for it on the blockchain, I don’t know.

Why did I make audience voting like this?

I wanted a system that used a finite resource that wasn’t very related to the personal finances of any individual. By using POCKET, we can see people bidding up their favorite punsters or working together to root for one pun or another. Even if one punster ultimately comes in second, they still get something for their trouble, an instrument that they can use to vote for their favorite punsters in future rounds!

This is Season 2!

We ended our first season of the POCKET Choice awards on October 1st. The Winners’ Circle from Season 1 will be indelibly branded onto our brains. Will your favorite punster be a new member of The POCKET Choice Awards Winners’ Circle Season 2?


Two SBI units, one from @curie (sent by @improv thanks to their community support), one from @improv himself

The winner wins a #steembasicincome unit! This was initially made possible thanks to prize support for the #PundayMonday community from @curie, and now it is the standard!

Punday Monday accepts new puns right up until the next Punday Monday!

So, if this is the first you’re hearing of it, head on over, and try your hand at punning!

If you've never punned before, it might seem like magic! You can do it, too! Learn how in My Free How-To Guide on Punning! )

Enjoy the puns!



Thanks to @pixiehunter for making that image!

Fun announcement!
@steemfiction has published my work, and that of seven others in a supernatural short story anthology.
You can get it here! Voices in the Darkness https://amzn.to/2EHqEcG

(That's @mariannewest's affiliate link, so you're also supporting her by using it to buy the book!)
By @janenightshade, @improv, @felt.buzz, @jeezzle, @manoldonchev, @stinawog, @giantbear, and @blueeyes8960

If/when you use my referral links, we both benefit!

Earn.com: small tasks for small rewards (but better than most)- http://earn.com/improv/referral/?a=qmk07e7tzua677hk
Coinbase: Cryptocurrency investment- https://www.coinbase.com/join/5929c0788331aa072d9e347e
Robinhood: investment platform buying/selling stocks- http://share.robinhood.com/brendaw92
Manna: Universal Basic Income- https://www.mannabase.com/?ref=3984bea863
Swift: A different attempt to create a Universal Basic Income: https://www.swiftdemand.com/?referred_by=lochleinn
Swell: socially conscious investing (matches your first $50 investment) https://www.swellinvesting.com/signup/d4b97d


pocketsend:2@coinsandchains, nice to have you with us for a CHANGE.

Successful Send of 2
Sending Account: paul.atreides
Receiving Account: coinsandchains
New sending account balance: 2582194
New receiving account balance: 972
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 61ede2124bb7cd63ee4108257fc2a2f31eabbad5
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Ba da bing, you see it is funny because he made a pun about coins and change is another way to refer to coins as opposed to paper currency. He also had not participated for several weeks so having his participation made the contest different and consequently "changed" it in a way.

Well that's my TWO CENTS, what does everyone else think?

That's awesome I started laughing as soon as I saw it.... I knew what was coming next....

pocketsend:50@coinsandchains, I liked your pun, it made cents!

Successful Send of 50
Sending Account: mensa-sig
Receiving Account: coinsandchains
New sending account balance: 605
New receiving account balance: 1018
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 739f997620103bfc7cd8c3afb2d33ff8bb25a5fa
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

@improv Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

pocketsend:3@acolucky, Awesome joke I bet he could quip out another one real fast...

Successful Send of 3
Sending Account: coinsandchains
Receiving Account: acolucky
New sending account balance: 969
New receiving account balance: 131
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: c22a2e4d712eb6d4b77d4eab7ddc7900f79604ba
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57544.69
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42