Just Received Off The Record Confirmation From The FBI That The Pizzagate Investigation Is ACTIVEsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

First let me say that because this Special Agent replied to my email as an off the record statement I will not be publishing this revelation on my news website www.TheLight Reports.com

I will share this information here and on some other social media outlets but assert copyright protections and insist that this not be reproduced for other forums- it's OK to Resteem this post but that's it- no copy and pasting or using images and sharing outside of this forum- thank you for respecting copyright laws.

Here is the initial email that I sent to the FBI's press office- I also snapped a screenshot for proof but could not fit my name and title as editor at the end of the first longer email........

*From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 12:10 PM
To: NPO [email protected]
Subject: NYPD Investigation/ Erik Prince interview

Hello- On November 4th, 2016, Erik Prince, Founder of Blackwater, gave a radio interview on Breitbart radio- here is a link to that interview........ https://soundcloud.com/breitbart/breitbart-news-daily-erik-prince-november-4-2016

If you listen to the interview Prince asserts that a high level contact he has in NYPD told him that the NYPD had found some very daring evidence that implicated some very important people- including high level gems in very serious crimes including child trafficking.

Prince's NYPD contact further asserted that the NYPD had planned to release this information to the public and address the scope of the crimes when the DOJ stepped in and exerted immense pressure upon the NYPD to withhold that evidence from the public.

-Why did the DOJ pressure the NYPD to not release this information?

-Was the NYPD pressured by DOJ in order to run cover for those implicated in the crimes that the evidence revealed? If so why?

  • Is the DOJ/FBI currently engaged in a widespread investigation involving the evidence found on Anthony Weiner's computer? If so what sort of timeline can we expect before the FBI announces either indictments or that an investigation is indeed underway?

  • I assume the FBI has in it's possession, the evidence found on Weiner's computer by the NYPD- would you please forward or make available for pickup a copy of those files? If not why will you not release them?

-If the FBI refuses to release that information to LTR freely is there any reason, such as an active/pending investigation or secret/top secret classification that would prevent or provide reason for the FBIs refusing to release this information via the FOIA process?

Thank you for your time and consideration- I look forward to your response.

Neil Wolfe, Chief Editor- TheLightReports.com

Here's a screen shot- and yes I realize I made a couple of typos- sorry I am admittedly a terrible editor- lol.....

OK so initially here is the reply I received last week........

So today I sent the following reply........

Here is the reply I received today which verifies that this is an ACTIVE INVESTIGATION........

The confirmation that an investigative is live and active comes with this part of his response..........

"Off the record, we do not comment in regards to ongoing investigative matters."

I am now 100% certain that an investigation is well under way and I expect arrests to commence very soon. I believe they may have already ensnared many of the lower level traffickers as there have over the past week or so been several hundred trafficking arrests across several states. These may well be the lower level kidnappers/ abductors who provide children to the satanic pedophiles. The FBI knows that arresting the big names first would tip off the lower level suppliers therefore decided to first see them arrested.

Please Resteem- get this good news out there- I know many are feeling a bit downtrodden that arrests of big names hasn't yet occurred and this will help put some wind under their sales!

Also please follow as I am very much on top of the pizzagate/pedogate scandal and will provide updates frequently.


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Thanks steemtrail!

It would be really nice to see justice accidentally get served one time in my life, but I'm still not holding my breath. Prince is still a mercenary, and for sale.

Here's hoping. Thanks for the post.

OK I get that some people don't like Prince- you aren't the first to express those thoughts whenever I post anything Erik Prince related but the Prince thing is an afterthought- my joy is derived from the fact that the FBI verified that there is an ongoing investigation.

I'm agreeing that is good, but always looking for the Gotcha.

Nice! Thanks. Resteemed and upvoted.

grateful- spread the AWESOME NEWS!

I think they were waiting for Sessions to be confirmed as Attorney General to make sure the prosecutions went appropriately... We'll see, but I think we'll be seeing some prosecutions of higher level people very soon.

I agree- and Wilcock (who if I recall you weren't crazy about) said the upcoming arrests will include Hollywood pedos.

I actually like Wilcock for the most part... Especially his suppressed science stuff. I used to watch his shows on Gaia all the time but I don't really buy Corey Goode's stuff so I kinda drifted off from it. I still follow his blog on divinecosmos.com

I was confused- it's another guy you don't like- my bad

I shared this post on the pizzagate trail on the steemtrails server cuz this needs more attention. That should help.

Thanks- yes this is the FIRST time there has been any clear indication from the government that this is actually under investigation- would have thought this story had gotten more traction than this. Appreciate your effort to spread the word!

Could this information be linked up to rumors of 474 pedophile arrests in California, that had been brought to light about a week ago?

I absolutely believe so- they are arresting lower level traffickers/abductors FIRST- then we'll see the big names going down.

That matches up with what I was thinking. Thank you and I resteemed for you.

Thanks I think this will uplift anyone aware

That's pretty typical of investigations... They tend to bring down the smaller guys at first so they can offer deals to get more dirt on the bigger fish.

boom baby! Let those dominos start falling!

Question- this post I believe had 58 up votes and was valued at a meager .03- the all of the sudden it's worth only dropped to only .02- was this due to a down vote? Also how do you see who exactly has down voted a post? Also it's pretty damn pathetic that a post with 58 up votes is only worth .02-.03 - I guess if a 'whale' (one person) doesn't like your post it isn't worth s**t yet if a whale gives your post one magical click it's all of the sudden worth of $10?????????

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