The Beast From The East Aftermath

in #photomatic6 years ago
The beast from the east - so dubbed by the popular press - was a storm that came raging into the British Isles last week. Although quite mild by other countries standards, for the UK it was a major event.

The dogs and I went for a walk after the worst of it had passed and I took the opportunity to take some photos. I decided to have a play with some of them in Photoshop and after converting to black and white the following photos are the result. I hope you enjoy them.

The dark patches in the photo above and the following three are caused by windblown soil that had settled on the snow.


All Images By The Author

I hope you have enjoyed this post and would consider following me.

Here are a selection of my recent posts:-

White Is White contest entry - Week 17

Our dogs enjoying snow for the first time

A @treetuesday entry

Mindfulness E-Book - 0.100 SBD

I have collated a series of posts I did on Mindfulness into an ebook which can be downloaded here for the low, low price of 0.100 SBD

Until next time - take care of yourselves.



Thanks for that little trip. I love the one with the dog. I have been following that storm along with my family in Scotland via Facetime. I don’t think they were as hard hit as some further south!

It made me laugh really. Anyone would think that we had undergone the storm of the century the way the media carried on. They over sensationalise everything. Thanks for your comment.

They do. It's the same here. We have the same problem with hurricanes. The problem is we just don't know when to believe them anymore!

Great photos, thanks for submitting them in this week's contest from @theleapingkoala I just love b&w photography.

Thank you for your kind comment. It was the first time I have really experimented with b&w and I was trying to create a bit of atmosphere. Maybe (slightly) successfully?? :-)

Fabulous photos. I bet the dogs enjoyed it the most, 😀 mine did...they couldn't get enough playtime.
After Iceland, it didn't really phase me at all. And I also spent winters in Salzburg Austria. I remember when I lived in England we had many proper snowy winters...that was back when we still had defined seasons. Now in Ireland we have one long season punctuated by random storms.

Yes, you're right. All the seasons seemed to merge now with a lot less definition between them. The furbabies had a great time in the snow but were glad to get back to the warm. :-)

I love snow! Your photographs are amazing. This first one is my favorite. Beautiful!

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