Photos of my Pets for the Photography Challenge

Hello everyone! I am thankful to say that it has been a busy week! I have a lot of stuff in the works, and I still haven't posted the photos of some of our pets. So, in this post I will put photos of our current pets as well as some of our older pets.

Current Pets


Blitz is our dog. He is very athletic, and he loves to play. He will play fetch with a toy for hours on end, and he loves to do it while we watch TV or eat dinner. Here is a photo of Blitz a few years ago jumping to catch a ball. You can also see our other dog Sam in the picture. Sadly, she passed away last year.

This weekend, right after I posted this week's discussion post (which was centered around pets), we had to take Blitz to an emergency vet because his stomach turned. We had the choice between putting him down, or getting surgery to keep him alive. Because he is such a healthy dog, we got the surgery. Here is a picture of him and me when we picked him up yesterday:


One of our current cats is named Binx. Binx is very sweet, but he hates sitting on my lap sadly :( I have several photos of him.


Our next current cat is named Charlie Daniels. He hates my guts, so I only have a picture with him from when he was a kitten, and a crumby recent one.


Our oldest cat is named Snowflake. She hates being picked up because we once had to give her a bath. So, there is only a photo of my dad holding her when she was a kitten, and a photo of her recently.

Previous Pets


My cat was named Janine. She lived in my room (because she didn't like it anywhere else in the house), and she slept next to me each night for over seven years. Last year, she sadly passed away. It was very hard for me when she started to die because I had not imagined life without her, and I did not expect it to end so soon. During that period, I wrote a piece that means a lot to me as a result. The last photo is from right before we put her down. This year, I included a theme for her in one of my church compositions the week that marked a year since she had died.


My father's Cat was named Cat. He was the friendliest cat I have ever known. He was also the fattest. Sadly, he also passed away last year.

Smarty and Charmer

This photo has Cat as well as two of the burmese cats that my Grandmother gave us (she bread cats) before she died. Their names were Smarty and Charmer.

Max and Sam

Our two other German Shepherd dogs were Max and Sam. Max died when I was in third grade. A few months later, we got Blitz. Sam died last year sadly. I have never seen another German shepherd with hair like she had.

Me, Max, and Sam.jpg

They were both such sweet hearts, and Max was a classic example of a gentle giant. The day that we got snowflake, he ran and hid after she hissed at him.


Thanks for reading this! My family is definitely a pet family, and it is fun to remember all of the pets we have known (though also a little sad). Please remember that you can still earn some rewards by participating in this week's discussion about your favorite pet stories!

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Cat was named after the cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Smarty's full name was "Smarty Jones". He was named after Smarty Jones:

Thank you for taking part in the Steem Diary Challenge.

Hope Blitz recovers well.

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