Meet Surrealist, Nigerian Artist: Iké Udé

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Recently, through an online friend, I had the good fortune to discover the work of Iké Udé, a remarkable artist, born in Nigeria and based in New York. Part photographer and part author, Udé is, wholly, a shape-shifter and story-teller, whose work is difficult to classify. One might say, his photographs aspire to the sophistication of paintings, or resemble stills from a fantastic unmade film, teasingly offering the viewer fictional characters extracted from unwritten fairytales.


Often using himself as the canvas for his beguiling imagination, this artist is fond of performing the drama of selfhood. Udé does so by assuming different personalities/ personas, in his Sartorial Anarchy self-portraits, while also creating evocative environments for them to inhabit:

ike_ude_sartorial_anarchy_15-545x818 (1).jpg

A kind of anachronistic dandy, Udé seems to embody Wilde's aphorism: 'One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art.' What's more, Udé actually writes aphorisms --a time-honored form of wisdom literature, such as epigrams, maxims or proverbs, that is staging a comeback, thanks, to social media and our generally shortened attention spans.


Below, some examples of Udé's pithy one-liners, on the philosophy of photography, from his book Nollywood Portraits:

"When I really, really want to feel an individual, I do his/her portrait; when I want to see an individual, I dream about him/her; when I want to touch the individual I caress the picture instead.

Self-portrait is not necessarily a way of knowing oneself; it’s a way of taking a needed break from the self.


Selfies are an embarrassment to Narcissus.

The best portraits reveal as much as they conceal; open yet inscrutable; near-conclusive, yet in deferred conclusion.

A portrait without poetic dimensions reduces a subject to half the individual.

What can’t be written is visualized.

The visual language is the supremacy of silence."


Visiting Udé's wonderland, one is reminded of another unclassifiable artist and provocateur, who also imagined his own universe and performed his life, Salvador Dali. The ever-quotable, great Surrealist, Dali, referred to his own art work as "hand-painted, dream photographs" - an apt description, if any, of Udé's own art.

Straddling the worlds of fashion, celebrity, and art, Udé's words and images can be found in magazines, newspapers, books, permanent collections of prestigious museums, such as Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Smithsonian Museum of Art, and the New Britain Museum of American Art as well as private collections.

I invite you to discover the playful and enchanted world of Iké Udé for yourself:


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Excellent work! Looking forward to some exciting times ahead!

Great work dear , all photos are amazing and thanks for sharing .


Glad you enjoyed it :)

that paperclip monacle alone is a work of art!

can see the seeming Dali bleed-through in every frame, though, not to at all insinuate that the work of Iké truly resembles anything i've ever visually experienced.

the use of space and color leave the eye reeling and forces the viewer to spend enough time adjusting to truly take in the surreal vision of each still.

i'd venture to say that even Iké's quotes are works of art:

Selfies are an embarrassment to Narcissus.

is one of the best things i've read today.

had fun reading your tribute to an amazing visual storyteller, Yahia, thank you so much for the share!

Ude is a consummate artist, with his own distinct visual style and yes, of course, his ‘quotes’ are art - they’re called aphorisms.

When last in New York, I was fortunate to sit for him & I’m proud to be a part of his Wonderland :)

Glad you enjoyed this introduction to his work, dear @carmalain7!


it would seem you had quite a hand in hand in making this wonderful addition to the vibrant landscape of Iké's Wonderland, indeed, Yahia, this is so cool!!

thank you for sharing, good sir ^_^

“Quite a hand...” Good one 🤪 Yes, we collaborated on the photo shoot - I gravitated towards the fez & The Hand!

Sweet dreams, my friend, and thanks for the smiles 🤗

The colors are fantastic! Some of the scenes remind me of Dave McKean's work. Especially that last one!

Yes, palette of vibrant colors, alone, is energizing! Off to discover McCean’s work, thanks :)

PS - First impression, I like it. But, darker, spookier...ED0B63AE-3F76-4735-A697-6FB1E36EE558.jpeg

Great pictures, I like it.

Thank you, @Hatim :) While I'm grateful for your interest and support, I wish you'd sometimes say more or something different each time, other than 'Great post, I like it'.

For next time Inshallah.

Have no word to discribe this pictures.

Well, you did say 1 word: “interesting” :)
I’m glad you enjoyed my description of them :)

Thats my reaction... not for describing

Love to read all.
My first blog which I read completely

I always update your post. Hopefully more successful

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