Discovering SPAIN: Caminito del Rey (ENG - SPA)

in #photography7 years ago

CAMINITO DEL REY - El Chorro, Málaga, Spain

'El Caminito del Rey' is an air path of more than three kilometres located in the 'Natural Park of the Gaitanes Gorges', in the town of Ardales (Málaga, Spain). The Gaitanes Gorge is a canyon, carved by the river Guadalhorce in the territory of Álora, which at some points is only 10 meters wide and 700 meters deep. The nothern access to it is via Guadalhorce reservoirs and the southern is via El Chorro.

El Caminito del Rey es una pasarela de más de tres kilómetros situada en el Paraje Natural del Desfiladero de los Gaitanes, en la localidad malagueña de Ardales (Málaga). Constituye uno de los paisajes más espectaculares de la sierra malagueña, con paredes escarpadas y de altura considerable, entre las que discurre el río Guadalhorce después de pasar por los embalses de El Chorro, Guadalhorce, Guadalteba y Gaitanejo.

Here you can watch an spectacular video of the area filmed with a drone... ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

Aqué tenéis un vídeo de la zona filmado con un drone.... ¡¡¡ABSOLUTAMENTE IMPRESIONANTE!!!

Youtube Video by Lev Vakulin

I was there about 20 years ago, when walking around was quite dangerous. It was in 2015 when the reconstruction finished and the 'new path' was reopened to the public.

Yo estuve allí hará unos 20 años, cuando andar por allí era bastante peligroso. Fue en 2015 cuando las obras de reacondicionamiento acabaron y la 'nueva pasarela' reabrió sus puertas al público.

Here you have some pictures to enjoy the amazing views / Aquí tenéis algunas fotos para disfrutar de sus increíbles vistas

All images Source

Definitely an amazing place to visit if you go to the South of Spain. But remember that you need tickets, because it's limited for just a few people a day.

Definitivamente un lugar espectacular para visitar si vais al sur de España. Pero recordad que necesitáis entradas, ya que el acceso está limitado a pocas personas al día.

You can get all the info in the Official Website / Tenéis toda la información en la Web Oficial



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It is really beautiful pictures.
It is a proud posting that I am following you.

Thanks for your words @sochul :)

It is @steemgold :) Thanks for reading it.

Great photos! I was in Spain last summer but I never made it to El Chorro. I wish I would have had more time because it looks amazing. I did get a chance to do the first 3 days of El Camino de Santiago from Saint Pied de Port to Pamplona just in time for the San Fermin festival.

That's a great part of Spain @youngc9, but Spain has amazing places, less popular ones. If you come back here just let me know and I'll be more that happy to give you some travel tips :) Thanks for commenting!!

Hahahaha It's a great honor @ionlysaymeep. I appreciate 'your word' :D meep to you too man!!!

Malaga is so beautiful! Went there in April

I know!!! I just love it :) Thanks for the comment @marmaladepanda.

absolutely beautiful! great post!

Wow.... some amazing bridges

The place is amazing. Thanks for the comment @mystisoul :)

Davvero straordinario e impressionante! I following..

Grazie @sardrt. Following u back :)

Ya lo había visto por ahí.... eso hay que hacerlo si o si.
Un saludo

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