Trip to Pulo Aceh | Nipah Beach

in #photography6 years ago

If you want to see something before tourism develops and if you are adventurous and used to primitive conditions, then Pulo Aceh is the perfect place. *

To be related, see my previous post, please

  1. Trip to Pulo Aceh | Ulee Lheue - Lamteng
  2. Trip to Pulo Aceh | Lamteng - Deudap
  3. Trip to Pulo Aceh | Ujung Eumpee

After a brief stop at the Ujung Eumpee, we have to race against the time nearing sunset to be able to stop by one more location, Nipah beach in Rabo Village.

Nipah beach has a curved coastline bounded by two hills left and right, the beach is scattered with beige sand even though we call it white sand. The dim lights in the city of Banda Aceh will be seen at night from this beach.

Weh Island in the distance is seen from this beach.

A new pier was completed in the wake.

Tourism facilities on the coastline are under construction.

###Access to the location is still muddy.

Half a day we explore Pulo Nasi, the night has arrived. We returned to the lodge in the village of Rabo, which is the house of a local resident who was rented out, owned by Salihin and his wife Dina.

A dinner provided by the homeowner, wow ... this is very exciting.

The sauteed octopus dish is our special dinner menu.

The next day we go to the next island, Pulo Breuh.

I have uploaded photos on Google Map, also attached to


Wahhh, abang menampilkan gambar foto yang luar biasa lagi. Jujur dari hari-hari sebelumnya saya sudah suka dengan foto yang posting. Karena terlihat sangat cerah tanpa kabur sedikit pun.

Jadi ini nama pantainya ujung eppe atau pantai Nipah di Desa Rabo bg?

Nipah beach in Rabo Village

Ooeww. . Indah is also the place.

Right, brother, if someone wants to adventure, Aceh is the right place. Because there are quite a lot of tourist attractions that can be visited.

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