Amazing London - My Solo backpacking journey across the UK - Part 5

With Oxford done, I was eager to get going and visit the one place that had been on my mind for a long, long, time; London.

The capital did not disappoint. I was truly taken by the multi ethnicity of the city and it was love at first sight! I immediately fell in love with the sights and sounds of London and I was visibly excited to spend 3 days in the capital and explore the place.


One of the most iconic symbols of the UK - The red telephone booth

I de-trained at Paddington Station, to be greeted by a statue of Paddington, the bear. From here, i took a walk across the city towards Tower Bridge and Shad Thames. I was going to be staying with a friend whose apartments was on the Shad Thames, next to the Butcher's Wharf. It took me a good part of an hour to walk across the city, guided by google maps. A extremely handy application when you're on the go in a foreign city.

My walk across London took me across the Tower of London which was having a mega event to commemorate 100 years since the Great War (World War I, 1914 - 19-18).

'The Blood Swept Land and River of Blood' was the event that was happening at the Tower of London. It was a memorial event at the Tower, featuring 888,246 Poppies; One for each soldier who died in the war. It was an amazing sight to witness and it took my breath away.


Voluteers pluck the Poppies, which will then be shipped to the families of the fallen in the World War. The Shard and More London can be seen in the background.


Blood swept lands and River of Blood exhibit at Tower of London.

I was staying in the center of the city and I was amazed at how easy it was to gain access to the London Tube to get to anywhere in the city and its suburbs. Tower Bridge station was a mere 5 minute walk from Shad Thames and it couldn't have been more easier!

I met up with my friend Richa and her husband at their apartment. A cosy one bedroom affair and a large living room made the place. My bed was a foldout couch that would turn to a bed. I really didn't expect anything more.

I went out for a walk in the afternoon after the hellos and the stories had been exchanged. A quick lunch followed. It was time to get exploring!


First stop: Tower Bridge


You can actually go inside the foundation of the Tower Bridge (for a small fee, of course), and get to see some of the machinary that is used for lifting the two parts of the bridge for boats, cruise vessels and barrages to pass underneath. As far as I could see, the river Thames flowed across the capital, demarcating it into two.


More London and the Shard illuminate the night sky.

While I could have taken the Tube, I preferred to walk around the city for the first day. I always prefer walking the first few times. You get to see a lot more of the city and get to absorb the feel. It also gives a good sense of landmarks, directions, and a few unexpected attractions.

I spent my first afternoon and evening in London exploring the area in and around the Shad Thames. I visited the HMS Belfast and the poppy installation at the Tower of London. The Tower itself was closed to the public due to the event, and I could not get to see the world famous Kohinoor diamond that is housed in the tower.

I strolled across More London boulevard in the evening, treated myself to a few delicacies before getting to see the Tower Bridge rise to allow a barrage to pass underneath.


Tower Bridge at night


London has a lot of memorials dedicated to the Great War and the 2nd World War. Hyde Park Corner was my next stop.


Talking a walk through Kensington Gardens.


Wellington Arch, built as an original entrance to Buckingham Palace. Later, it became the symbol of Wellington's defeat of Napolean. The Angel of Peace sits on a four horsed chariot atop the arch.




London has so many amazing sights that it is impossible to cover all of them in one post, let alone one 3-day visit. I will end this post for now, but will have a second post on the city. I need more time to collect my thoughts and write about my experience and feelings of being in this amazing place.

"THEN AND THERE" was my motto for visiting London and I truly did that, experiencing the most of London. Do follow me for my next post on my experience of London and for more on my solo backpacking trip across the UK.

In case you missed it, check out the first post of my solo backpacking trip across the UK.

Backpacking the United Kingdom - A Travelogue with amazing pictures

Seal Watching at Morston Quay and Blakeney Point + roadtrip!

Exploring the university city of Cambridge in pictures

Taking a walk through the streets of Oxford City

If you like my work, please upvote, resteem and comment. Thanks for reading, cheers!



Yeah, London is indeed a very beautiful city!

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