Taking a walk through the streets of Oxford City - Backpacking the UK - Part 4

in #travel7 years ago

The train ride from Norwich was a quick affair, taking a little more than an hour to put me in Oxford. I do not know if I arrived at night or in the day. That part of my memory is a little hazy, from what I can't remember. I think I arrived at night. I remember where I stayed for the duration of my stay however. I had a dorm room at Oxford Backpackers. The 8 bed dorm had a crowd of 7 Spanish folks in it and it was mostly party with them.


Radcliff's Camera. I find the name very intriguing.

A pretty cool place, that Oxford Backpackers hostel. I got a room for a cheap rate and met some crazy cool people. Nice chicks too. I would definitely stay here again if I go to Oxford. It is also very near to the train station. A few minutes walk will get you there. One of the things that I was looking forward to doing was to meet my friend Kalyani who was studying at for a degree in Arts from Oxford. I wasn't due to meet her until the afternoon of my second day of arrival.

Places from Oxford reminded me of some of the places where X-Men was shot (Not the old X-Men series. The newer movies; X-Men Origins. Remember that bar Charles Xavier walks out of with his sister at the beginning of the movie? That place is in Oxford!)

I spent my morning going around the town of Oxford and looking at what the town had to offer for the camera. I think I was quite conscious of being seen as another camera touting tourist, so I shot photos with a sense of purpose, making sure I did not over do it by shooting too many pictures of any place. I carefully selected my shots and the pictures I wanted.

Come to think of it now, I don't think it made any difference. I was still going to be seen as another camera touting tourist as I walked with the camera hung around my neck sometimes.


Spire of the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin.


The Bodleian Library. Loved the architecture and the intricate carvings on the ceiling.


A closer look the ceiling of the Bodleian library.


Sheldonian Theatre

I explored most of the places after I met my friend at Blackwell's Bookshop. From there, I was given a guided tour of the place, and it was great to know most of the places from a student's perspective. She also knew the best pubs in Oxford and I had some extremely good Ale (My first in the UK). I do not remember how much I had to drink, probably 3-4 mugs.



Christ Church College of the University of Oxford


The Bridge of Sighs that links sections of Heartford College , as seen from New College Lane leading to Cattle Street.

This is the street that Charles Xavier steps out to from the bar at the beginning of X-Men Origins!


On the streets by the Ashmolean. Dusk has started to fall on Oxford.

I had to bid goodbye to my friend at around 19:00 hours as she had an impending exam the next day and left to my own devices for the rest of the evening. I remember spending night with some of the Spanish chicks and guys drinking some really cheap booze as we had a laugh at a dozen things. Then we headed out to the streets for some partying. The last thing I remember is waking up groggy and tired the next morning. I had to rush, as I had to catch a train to get to London!


Walking along the banks of the River Isis. Night was fast approaching at this point.


Walking on the gardens across Christ College. It sure feels spooky at twilight.

I regret not being able to take more pictures of Oxford, especially of the hostel and other pictures of the city. I found most of them less "camera worthy" back then, but now I realize that I made a mistake. It is something I try to correct now, especially since I write about travels more and more. Having a good phone to click pictures makes it easier.

I never got to see the Stonehenge because of the difficulty in getting there. Stonehenge is near Reading, and I had to take a train from Oxford to Reading before having to walk or hitch hike a couple of kilometers to see the stones. The problem was the lack of time to go to Stonehenge and get back. I decided to leave it for another day.

From Oxford, I tool the train to London. A very short journey brings me to Paddington Station from which I stepped foot onto one of the greatest cities of the modern world. I was so looking forward to going to London and I was quite excited at being there.

In case you missed the first part, you can find it in the link below:

United Kingdom through my lens - Backpacking the UK - Part 1 - Norwich

Watching Seals at Blakeney Point - Backpacking the UK - Part 2

Exploring Cambridge City through pictures - Backpacking the UK - Part 3

Check back soon for more on my backpacking trip across UK. I will have more stories to share of my adventures through Scandinavia, and South East Asia. For now, cheers!

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